I'm looking for feedback on an Iaijutsu rule set inspired by CFS I've been playtesting. The more I use the RAW Duel rules, the more I find them to be game of shot for shot with the winner being the first to draw and hit consistently. Obviously some of that is what a Iaijutsu duel should be, but then i would just use the one-roll rule. I find the makes a lot of the options like Predict and Center trap options, and for stances like water to be clear winners.
The goal of my rules is to make mindgames a more prominent approach to winning a duel while making each stance viable. The key changes are to the action economy to allow non-attack actions to be taken by both parties before blades are swung. Duels are also more likely to end in a compromised character getting hit with a finishing blow.
Duel Rounds
Each round of an Iaijutsu duel consists of three phases:
- Challenge: First contenders size each other up
- Focus: hear contenders attempt to get the mental upper hand
- Strike: contenders reach for their steal and strike
If no winner has been determined after going through all the phases, start a new round .
Challenge Phase
This phase is about predicting your opponents move
- Each participant secretly chooses what stance they'll use and what stance their opponent will use
Reveal stance and prediction
- If you guess your opponents stance, they suffer 4 strife and must choose a different stance for the round
If it's the first round
- Both roll for initiative with TN1 Ring (Meditation)
A contenders adds their successes to focus for their total initiative. Highest result has the initiativ
Focus Phase
Contenders can perform one non-Attack duel action this phase
Strike Phase
Contenders can perform any one duel action this phase
If no winner has been determined by the end, start a new round
Duel Actions
Focus - TN1 Ring (Meditation) - Scheme
- Increase your initiative by 1
- Increase it by +1 for every bonus succ
Intimidate - TN Vig (Command) - Scheme
Inflict 2 strife
- +1 for every 2 bonus succ
Read - TN Vig (Sentiment) - Scheme
- Opponent tells you 2 rings, they must choose one of these next round
Feign - TN Vig (Performance) - Scheme
Increase TN to target you by 1 till the end of your next turn
- +1 for every 2 bonus succ
Draw a weapon - Support
Calming Breath - Support
- Remove 1 strife and 1 fatigue to a min of ½ composure or endurance respectively
Center - Support
Roll Void skill dice
- may reserve any number of these dice.
- Roll that many fewer die and add the reserved dice
Use a Shuji - Special
Finishing Blow - TN 2 Martial [Melee] - Special
- Inflict critical strike = (weapon damage x 2) + bonus succ
This action can only be taken w
hen your opponent becomes compromised, or unmasks.
- Can be performed during any phase
- Interrupt the action to perform a finishing blow with a drawn weapon
Strike - TN 2 Martial [Melee] - Attack
- Deal weapon damage to opponent
- If you fail, suffer 3 strife
Use a Kata - Attack
- If you fail, suffer 3 strife
It's always assumed both contender are within weapon range of the other in an Iaijutsu duel.
Let me know what flaws you find or what you guys think.