How many plays to really learn the rules?

By RandoMando, in Rules

How many plays did it take to get all the rules down for everyone? Me and a friend have played 3 or 4 and still feel like we have to check the rules or do rewinds all of the time. Any tips? Have you guys noticed any factions to be harder/easier?

Hard to tell. I play Legion since day one and still sometimes find rule details I missed. The hardest part was probably measuring cover and the suppression mechanic (remembering that you get suppression after ranged attack, reducing actions and getting light cover from it). I'd say it tokk 5-10 games to get 90% right. But it was an easier times back then. only few units were availlable and only a quarter (or less?) of special rules. For learning I suggest starting your first games with fewer variety. Use units without too many extra rules (Stormtroopers, Speederbikes and Veers only for example). It can get overwhelming fast if every unit you have on the board is different and you need to check what they can do on every activation. Just keep it simple for starters and let the experience evolve.

For me it was probably 1 or 2, but I read all the rules beforehand and I can read a rulebook like a mother****er. My brother mostly learns by playing and he had it pretty much down after 3 or 4 games (as others said, LoS, cover, what you measure from the unit leader and such took a bit longer). The only thing I have to regularly look up is the vehicle damage roll when they hit their threshold.

Since Day 1 as well, General rules will be picked up pretty quickly in a game or 2.

As far as more specific rules mostly with commander/operatives and how their respective special keywords interact with one another you really just have to use/play against them once or twice to learn as well.

I would say this is the most challenging since as a new player you will slowly interact with them all over time and the game really does a good job of making them do unique stuff.

I have been playing the game since it came out and I still check the rules every other game or so for some random rules question. This game is so complex so dont feel weird having to reference the rules at all. The rules are made to be referenced. Heck, its called a "rules REFERENCE"

I think it was only 3 or maybe 4 games before we were playing 100% correctly. The main things we got wrong at first were cover, LoS and suppression

On 1/16/2020 at 7:25 PM, bllaw said:

I have been playing the game since it came out and I still check the rules every other game or so for some random rules question. This game is so complex so dont feel weird having to reference the rules at all. The rules are made to be referenced. Heck, its called a "rules REFERENCE"

Compared to other tabletop games, Legion is pretty simple. You'll learn the game in 2-4 games so that you don't have to look up most rules again. But since there are special abilities for some characters you sometimes need to look them up. For that reason it is always good to have the rules reference at hand at a game. The most difficult rules in Legion are the cover rules. If you get them down the rest is easy ;)

Edited by Staelwulf

Loads. 7 or 8 probably. Maybe 10 before we stoped making amateur mistakes. I'm not much of a gamer, but me and my brother can usually get through a game with only one or two occasions to look up rules to clarify something. And at this stage we know card stats and dice numbers by heart, which I've never got to with other games so far. Stick with it