A skirmish Rex vs Grievous! big swing turn 3

By Dicetales, in Battle Reports

hello there

I love time lapsing my games and doing a little vlog

last week i played a friends clones and droids, and i'm realy loving the skirmish format!, added time stamps so you jump to the action

you can watch in silence there are a few pop up prompts of whats going on.. please let me know if these are to fast or to small and is you want more detail .. and if should generally be faster or slower

not sure if this is a double post


Fantastic batrep.

the only advice would be throwing the command cards in plain sight for a bit longer, just for the novices or unacquainted, just to give a little more feel of what's going on. Look forward to the next one.

thanks for the feedback can do ..need to figure how to pause take a screen grab.. name the units and health then resume.. and can maybe a scan of the cards large on the screen as a turn transition thanks

Edited by Dicetales