Wanted to make a magic skill purely for mental abilities, I am unsure of whether Willpower or Presence is better for it (there will be a general psionicist in the game, not sure what stat they will use and if general psionics should differ from pure mental/psychic abilities). Picked Willpower since that's more disadvantageous to my character, who is also a face, and will have a higher starting Presence.
I still need to implement some form of precognition likely its own new 'spell'/action, but holding off on it for now.. probably need to make mind reading more fleshed out, but it's doable. I am unsure whether I should have it function like a normal spell action (vs a set difficulty) or have it be a contested roll (vs someone's Discipline, for example).
Any thoughts/suggestions about things so far or what I haven't read would be great.