Why can't players drop in/out?

By macoggin88, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Do you think the function to drop in/out will be added? Or is there an explanation as to why it's not possible to do so. This is the biggest thing stopping me from getting my game to the table to be honest.

We initially started a campaign when one of our game group was away and now that they are back we would have to start again from the beginning. And running 2 campaigns would mean taking apart decks etc.

Just seems an odd design decision, especially as the design of the app otherwise is very well done.

No, I don't think drop in/out will be added. It would require the game to support single character saves with each person gaining lore and items seperately. Currently the app is not structured to do this and there is very likely no money in changing it. The biggest problem I see is lore gain. A character drops out in chapter 2, comes back in chapter 8. Do they get the higher lore gear? What happens if they join a new campaign at chapter 5 with the character who has already beaten the campaign?

Also, some interact tokens on the map do progress from chapter to chapter. Having players drop in and out would make those interactions weird or impossible to complete.

ex: the interaction string to get the Barrel Rider title. Which, now this person who did it gets called Barrel Rider irl 😂

Edited by Thaeggan
added more text.

True, though a catch up mechanic and granting a few xp doesn't sound so bad to me. I mean if someone drops out then you have to either have someone play multiple characters or start again?

yaaaa, I've got 5 campaigns and have yet to get past chapter 8. Partially my fault for starting a campaign with family who live 4 hours away or more. Others with friends who sabotage themselves with starting a family or a job with all work hours and no life balance.

The struggle is real, but hoping to play and waiting for the right group is just a circular path that never puts the game in the table.