Some concerning gossip

By Magnus Grendel, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

4 hours ago, phillos said:

If there was an imperial assault style L5R game or an Android style game where you played as a character and worked through their personal story

Oh, you sonufagun. There are so many ways that could be amazing.

@Diogo Salazar the GURPS mass battle system is literally why I have that "almost" in there xD Although it was fairly complex, it did what it was supposed to and well. Much like a lot of GURPS, it requires investment but ends up being one of the most robust and well-written systems.

And yes, I'd love a minis game for L5R that was something like what Imperial Assault or X-Wing are. Frankly, minis games used to be way overly complicated and what FFG seems to have pulled off in simplifying them and making them more accessible is, to me, nothing short of revolutionary, and if I could get Clan Wars FFG, I'd immediately snap all of it up.

6 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

In pretty much every RPG system I've ever played (traveller, dark heresy et al, advanced fighting fantasy, savage worlds, and probably a bunch of others I've forgotten, two bits that invariably feel like a slightly shonky bolt-on are 'grappling' and 'mass combat'. Dunno why those specifically, but they always seems to be the weak spots.

Grapple rules are the boogieman at our table. "Don't make me read the grapple rules", I feel like is uttered at least once a campaign.

12 hours ago, The Grand Falloon said:

That's fair. I only really played 3e. I read all the other core books to get a general idea, and 4e definitely seemed the most solid. When it became clear 5e would be massively different, I remember a lot of complaining that 4e was pretty much perfect and that they should just work with that.

Ah. I would have to opine that 4e was much better than 3e. But 3e was only really an improvement over 2e. In fact, my group never adopted it, staying with 1e. Makes sense? ;)

9 hours ago, phillos said:

Grapple rules are the boogieman at our table. "Don't make me read the grapple rules", I feel like is uttered at least once a campaign.

Have you seen the Darths & Droids strip?


That sounds like a wild mix of D&D and GURPS' Technical Grappling xD

Technical Grappling is cool ****, if grappling is supposed to be a big focus in your game. Otherwise... don't.