Wings and Tie/ph Phantom

By Hellvomit, in X-Wing Epic Play

Wing mates can only make Focus/evade/lock and reinforce actions (if on their action bar) during the activation, but can they still make other action in the other phase of the game.

Tie/ph wing

(57) "Whisper" [TIE/ph Phantom]
(2) Veteran Wing Leader
(9) Fifth Brother
(3) Targeting Computer
(2) Fire-Control System
(7) Juke
Points: 80

(48) Sigma Squadron Ace [TIE/ph Phantom]
(3) Targeting Computer
(2) Fire-Control System
(7) Juke
Points: 60

(48) Sigma Squadron Ace [TIE/ph Phantom]
(3) Targeting Computer
(2) Fire-Control System
(7) Juke
Points: 60

Total points: 200

Here are my questions:

1: My understanding is that, turn 1, Whisper does his manoeuvre, take an Evade action, wing mates do the same thing. Then come the End phase of turn 1, can they all trade their evade token for a cloak token ? (only way in my understanding that the Tie/ph can cloak while being a wingmate)

2: During the next turn system phase, can they all decloak ?

3: If yes to the previous, do they all use the same direction decloak as the wingleader.

4: Are they still in formation after the decloaking ?

2 hours ago, Hellvomit said:

1: My understanding is that, turn 1, Whisper does his her manoeuvre, take an Evade action, wing mates do the same thing. Then come the End phase of turn 1, can they all trade their evade token for a cloak token ? (only way in my understanding that the Tie/ph can cloak while being a wingmate)

2: During the next turn system phase, can they all decloak ?

3: If yes to the previous, do they all use the same direction decloak as the wingleader.

4: Are they still in formation after the decloaking ?

My take is that TIE phantoms just don't work in wings. That is, they can't use their main feature: decloaking. From page 4 of the Epic Rules Reference:


Forced Splitting
Game effects can cause forced splitting, in which a wingmate must leave its wing. A wingmate must split from its wing after any of the following occur:
• An effect other than a maneuver instructs the ship to move or rotate its

Since decloaking causes a wingmate to move, but it isn't a maneuver, the wingmate is forced to split. So yes, they can all gain cloak tokens during the End Phase, but the next Systems Phase if they decloak, they split from the wing.

Yeah, I'd agree on that problem. TIE/ph work as hunters. But then, I don't find non-wing ships to be that good, because the sheer mass of ships and wings are too deadly to single aces.

On 1/6/2020 at 2:29 AM, Hellvomit said:

Wing mates can only make Focus/evade/lock and reinforce actions (if on their action bar) during the activation, but can they still make other action in the other phase of the game.

Can they? Epic Battles PDF, Wingmate Actions (emphasis mine):
During the Activation Phase, after each wingmate moves, it resolves its Perform Action step as normal.

During the Activation Phase and at all other times , a wingmate is limited to the following actions:
Calculate, Reinforce, Evade, Lock, Focus

Huh. Did miss that.