Loku's Battle Vision and Scout's Guidance fun

By timmy9921, in Imperial Assault Campaign

In a mission yesterday I slapped the recon tokens on Verena and Diala (WotS build) basically the entire game and it was amazing.

Not only do they get a hefty defense bonus, I could count the times where we did NOT get a +1 damage bonus from a recon token.

Verena managed to get 6 kills against medium health figures in one round with just enough damage for at least half of them.

Those 4 strains probably resulted in 20-30 damage easily.

I really hope I didn't mess up any ability interpretation.

Seems legit, Battle Vision doesn't seem to care whether the adjacent figure is friendly or hostile.

That’s actually brilliant! Scout’s Guidance is typically considered a terrible skill because Loku only gets two tokens, but getting his reward card really changes things.

Still though, I feel the two token limit prevents him from taking other cards. In particular his two 1 XP cards and which, depending on the mission/campaign, can make the team extremely efficient. Were it me, I’d probably give a token to one of them (maybe move it between them if the situation called and strain allowed for it) and use the other for everything else. On the other hand, I usually end up kicking myself when I go for a middle-of-the-road tactic... so maybe don’t listen to me if you way is working.

You also need to win Battle Vision reward.