Final coat??

By drail14me, in Painting

On 3/7/2020 at 7:42 AM, flightmaster101 said:

Bummer you cant try Testors. The only reason I started using Testors is because Sorrastro uses it in his videos, and my GW stuff was frosting. I will say however that GW buys batches from whatever company will sell to them cheapest and then put that varnish in their cans. So it is possible that their supplier in Europe is better than what they are buying in North America.

I have thinned down Vallejo Matt Varnish and run it through my airbrush (0.5mm). It works really well and I was very satisfied with the control and finish. The only issue is getting the chemistry right so its not so thick it plugs, and not so thin that you dont get good coverage. That part takes so much effort that the cost of a rattle can is worth it to me.

But... The first rule of painting is “To each their own.” If it works for you, that is good enough.

I tried to look for Testors, but with very tough luck. So had to settle what i can get, GW Munitorium Varnish in spray is best i can get at the moment i guess.

Kinda always thought to use brush on varnish as a backup, when i'm out of spray, but due the stickyness it leaves to minis, it's not very good option either.

On process at the moment painting my Dewback, so will try to test that vallejo brush on matt varnish just to give it a another shot. You can always spray afterwards if the finish is still left sticky.

I’ve never suffered frosting before fortunately, however for frosting with spray cans, I’ve read online before that a cotton swab with olive oil lightly rubbed over the model removes the frosting. Did a quick google search and it seems to have confirmed it!

8 hours ago, Jamburgin said:

I’ve never suffered frosting before fortunately, however for frosting with spray cans, I’ve read online before that a cotton swab with olive oil lightly rubbed over the model removes the frosting. Did a quick google search and it seems to have confirmed it!

Can confirm. Olive oil works wonders. Its just time consuming (you can wait up to 48 hours depending on how bad the frosting is) and can be a bit of a mess b/c EVOO doesnt just wash off.

I use krylon matte finish.

I've been using Vallejo matte and gloss brush-on varnish for years. The majority of my minis have a slightly tacky feel. I apply it as is, no diluting.

I've had too many issues with spray sealers, and I live in an area that is often frozen or has very high humidity so sprays aren't ideal.

After having trouble with GW spray (more than 15 years ago, so probably not the same product as today) I started to apply (with brush) liquitex on my minis

But it takes more time especially if you do a two layer protection. Also, since two months for my legion minis I have try aegis suit spray from army painter and mat varnish spray from Vallejo.

Both are less expensive compare to game workshops but work well.

My preference goes to the Vallejo Matt varnish. The spray is more "delicate" and the mat is mat 🙂

aegis suit is good but if you spray too long on an area or if you do several layers your minis become glossy. Too glossy.

I will continue with Vallejo mat and use aegis suit for minis I want a different effect only


Edited by Krakus