"If movement points are gained as part of a special action, they must be spent immediately during that action."

By timmy9921, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

What does "as part of" mean for this part of the rule regarding actions? (Core RRG p.3)

Does the "gain movement points" wording have to appear in the special action text? Or do all movement points gained during the resolution of the special action timing count as well (except interrupts of course)?


Discussing with my friend whether movement points gained via Imperial Industries while using Vader's Brutality or Combat Momentum on enemy defeat strain ability while using the DDC defender's triple attack special action should be immediately used between attacks or be banked until all attacks are performed

Edited by timmy9921

as part of meaning the special action itself grants movement points. There are only a few of those.

Gideon gaining movement points indirectly from Mobile Tactician due to performing Command doesn't count. The movement points go to his movement point pool and can be spent only after Command (and if he wants to use Masterstroke, cannot be spent between Command and Masterstroke).

Brutality + Imperial Industry works the same way. The movement points gained by spending a surge would go to the figure's movement point pool and cannot be spent until the action has been fully resolved.

Move X spaces though has to be performed immediately, so CT-1701 can exhaust Strafing Run and move 1 space between an attack with a ranged weapon and Barrage. (Or between attacks from DDC Defender.)


Edited by a1bert

Thanks @a1bert for clearing it up! Move X spaces and interrupting others' activation was very clear from other rules. This one got me because as part of is really ambiguous (the Imperial Industry surge ability is a part of the attack that's a part of Brutality, right? 😂 )

Just curious, do you have a list of cards that are affected by this specific rule for a campaign play-through? I couldn't find any!

There may not be any in the campaign game.

From skirmish I could find only command cards Urgency and Hit and Run , and Vader's Finest skirmish upgrade.

Thank you again 😁