I know I'm tilting at windmills here, as it's become such a commonly used term that my hopes are doomed to failure, but I will try anyway! But hey, as EVERY...SINGLE...STAR WARS thing tells us, Hope is everything! It will save the day with it's ability to.....hope at stuff! Because hope is just that powerful, and it has NOTHING at all to do with fanservice name dropping to New Hope in an effort to appease the fanbase!! So here's hoping it will work!
Seriously, don't call people who want to play with Dark side powers and actions but not be a bad guy Grey Jedi. They are not "grey" Jedi. This is someone wanting to gain the positive benefits of the term Jedi, in common usage and understanding, (someone who is powerful, but also a force for good in the universe), but also without having to actually adhere to their philosophies and doctrine of behavior. The Jedi Code is very clear on what someone has to do to be a Jedi, and doing things that contradict that, mean you are NOT a Jedi. Also, someone who is basically a Sith, but tries to not say they are a murderhobo, because of some token mention of the Jedi codes, and occasionally not killing and enslaving the people around them, equally doesn't make them a "Grey Jedi" from the other direction. They are simply a less homicidal psychopath, than the other homicidal psychopaths they are around.
It's like trying to say you are a carnivorous vegan. Or a murderous pacifist. They are terms that are by definition, contrary and mutually exclusive.
That is all, proceed to ignore me and continue calling them that anyway! Because I know you all will! *tilts at a windmill one last time*