Always Get My Mark OP?

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

7 minutes ago, MaxXIII said:

When you say flexible, do you mean disconnected from the careers? Would be an interesting concept, but if I did that I would propably throw some signature abilities out. Which would be fine given the range of choices all careers would then still have..

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Likewise, as a GM as I am quite flexible when it comes to Signature Abilities and allow out-of-career sigs as long at they match the character concept well (though I do have veto power, and the "match concept well" is up to my judgement).

Like I say above, it isn't a free-for-all. If it's in-career, they can (probably) take it, but the sigs should be tailored to the character.

As an example, we have a Gadgeteer that focuses heavily on Mechanics, so a sig like Unmatched Ingenuity makes more sense than Always Get My Mark or Unmatched Devastation.

No one would be able to take Unmatched Fortune though, as it doesn't narratively make sense for any of them.