Looking for the PC version of the game app without STEAM, because my PC can't run STEAM any more.

By player4576157, in Mansions of Madness


I want to download the game app on my my PC but I cannot because Steam doesnn't install.

I have two PCs running Windows XP and Windows Vista. Neither of them can run STEAM but the game app for windows says it supports XP and later versions so I don't know what to do. Unfortunately I do not own a smartphone (neither android nor iOS).

Any idea where I can get legally (I don't know much about pirated games) the PC version of the app that doesn't require STEAM? STEAM used to work on my machines (at least until a couple of years ago) but when I tried today to run it, it updated automatically and then told me it cannot run amymore. So now I'm stuck and I do not have anywhere to run the app. Any ideas?

Thank you.

Upgrade your OS.

Unfortunately the hardware is very old so I can't upgrade my OS. For example both computers only have 2GB of Ram.

And I can't afford to buy a new PC right now.

Unfortunately you have to use Steam to at least install the app on the computer. A similar topic came up on BGG a few years back. Steam could be uninstalled after the install, but without Steam there would be no push updates to the software. Even in the fan creation community our software piggybacks off the assets derived from the official software, so I don't know if you will find another way...

It's not like I don't want to install STEAM, it's that STEAM stopped supporting older OSs, I had STEAM on both of my PCs although I don't play PC games and last time I checked they were running OK, but today when I tried to install the app they were updated (not given a choice) and then got a message that my OS is not supported any more and STEAM doesn't even start.

I want to install STEAM but STEAM cannot run on either of my machines. I don't have any problem with STEAM, it's I don't have any other option than try to find the app without STEAM.

Isn't there somewhere the official release of the App outside of STEAM?

I feel a little frustrated because I can't play my board game because I don't have a new PC and because the official software is tied up to the whims of another software company. This is a board game. It shouldn't be like this. I don't know what the relationship is between FFG and STEAM but I think FFG should make their software independent from 3rd party software. What's the point of making an app that runs on XP and VISTA when I need to pre-install STEAM which doesn't support XP and VISTA?

XP and Vista are very old. There are 3 versions of the OS past these. It's not unreasonable for Steam to stop supporting them. Get a smartphone or an iPad instead. Surely someone you'll be playing the game with has one of these if you don't.

On 12/31/2019 at 4:26 PM, player4576157 said:


I want to download the game app on my my PC but I cannot because Steam doesnn't install.

I have two PCs running Windows XP and Windows Vista. Neither of them can run STEAM but the game app for windows says it supports XP and later versions so I don't know what to do. Unfortunately I do not own a smartphone (neither android nor iOS).

Any idea where I can get legally (I don't know much about pirated games) the PC version of the app that doesn't require STEAM? STEAM used to work on my machines (at least until a couple of years ago) but when I tried today to run it, it updated automatically and then told me it cannot run amymore. So now I'm stuck and I do not have anywhere to run the app. Any ideas?

Thank you.

Maybe upgrade to Windows 10. It's requirements are lower than what 7 or 8 was, so it might work in your pc?


XP is currently very susceptible to viruses and malware. So it might be a good idea to move away from it anyway.

On 12/31/2019 at 3:26 PM, player4576157 said:

I have two PCs (...). Neither of them can run STEAM (...). Unfortunately I do not own a smartphone (neither android nor iOS).

If other options fail I have a silly workaround for you which should work.
You could try to install an android emulator (for example Nox App Player or BlueStacks ) on your PC and then install the android version of the app on the emulator.

I was going to suggest an android simulator, but it would mean that you won't have access to any DLC scenarios purchased on Steam.

Perhaps a dumb question. In the absence of better options, do you have an Android or IOS smartphone? Subjected to a smaller screen but the apps are available.

On 1/6/2020 at 3:14 AM, rtdspector said:

Perhaps a dumb question. In the absence of better options, do you have an Android or IOS smartphone?

On 12/31/2019 at 3:26 PM, player4576157 said:

Unfortunately I do not own a smartphone (neither android nor iOS).