Commander Upgrade Cards for Trooper Squads

By rgreen89, in Rules

***This isnt an exisiting rule, I'm hoping to gain the attention of the designers in the hopes it can become something implemented into the game.***

Essentially, I'd like to see trooper unit or heavy weapon upgrade cards be made available for existing commanders.


Leia trooper upgrade, mini becomes unit leader, squad gains inspire 2.

Han heavy weapon upgrade, add 2 red dice and pierce 1 to the attack pool.

Competitively , it's an easy way for FFG to add another game option for an existing mini, just release a card pack with all the upgrades.

Narratively, it would be great way to see more of you favourite characters on the table.

Thank you,

I really like this idea. Coming from 40k and Imperial Guard, I used to LOVE having my commanders and inquisitors nestled nice and cozy inside a group of grunts.

Having said that, I think this kind of option in Legion poses a potentially serious issue. Ablative Wounds. This is the reason I put my squishy officer in a command squad. Let's say Leia is in a squad of Rebel Veterans. She issues an order to herself, and the rebel vets gives her a free dodge token. She can also spend an action to giver her squad a dodge token (and another squad!). There's now 4 or 5 extra wounds with potentially multiple dodges that needs to get snuffed out before Leia starts taking hits. Normally, her big weakness is that she's vulnerable. Putting her inside a squad nullifies that entirely. That makes the game less interesting.

Now, it also opens the door for new strategies that makes it interesting again. For example, maybe a new keyword: Marksman , which allows the attacker to resolve their attack on a single model within a unit. I could see Boba or a sniper team being able to get an upgrade like this, allowing them to put wounds on a character (or just a regular heavy weapon model) even if there are other models in the unit. Because this would be heckin stronk, I would make this an exhaustible ability, and any additional unsaved wounds do not carry over to other models in the unit.

I agree that having characters in squads could be really cool, especially because I want to see more characters on the table, too (just too darn pricey!). Just have to be careful how they are implemented, because it could really change how to game is played in a very weird way.


As a customer, I would not like a card only upgrade. If I'm going to be spending $10-15, I want some amount of plastic. Still, easy enough to throw in an alternate sculpt.

The main issue with this design is thematic: In the films, we don't see the heroes embedded in squads of average joes. Now, if you want to use the Leia mini to represent the "Rebel Officer," upgrade (as printed on the card) go for it. So long as you are clear with your opponent it should be fine for casual play.

The other thematic issue is that you've effectively removed all of the other aspects that make the heroes"feel" heroic: Command cards, extra wounds for the miniature, a fancier gun, etc etc. I get that you want to see more of the characters on the game, but the two key aspects of Legion are relative simplicity for rules (for instance, all measurements are taken parallel to the table rather than base to base), and theme.