Forum creates an adventure [Marriage Ceremony Troubles]

By Kiso, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

While writing stuff for the NPC Shoda, I though I would read more about the Osano-Wo order. Reading what the old edition had to say about this order and the current edition in Emerald Empire. Is it just me or has the current edition changed some bits. Which makes Shoda an odd fellow in the order, or he has some other characteristics why he stays in the order, cause he seems to fit the bill with "Newcomers to the school [...] are often frustrated by the precision required by their style (Tamadora-ryu), which requires even the biggest and mightiest brawlers to fight like someone small and week".

I though that I would share what the project looks like at the moment

Marriage Ceremony Troubles:

Section 3.7-3.10 are still work in progress and much still needs to be added before we have a coherent adventure, but I'm already pleased with the results. I'll try to finish it this month as I promised, but we will see how far progress goes, as I was busier the past months than I anticipated. Any thoughts on this so far?

Edited by Kiso

We have come to the end of the month, and the adventure is about 50% done. I'm not completely satisfies what has been done, so the project is closer to being 30% done. I have updated the file and you can use the same link as before to see this most recent version. Compared what info has been giving in this thread, some new NPCs have been introduced. We have the local doctor Bouma, the leader of a maho-tsukai group hidden in a hamlet called Chieko and the farmer with dried up fields due to the elemental imbalance named Riku. Then the bamboo cutter named Ikkan, the crematorium owner named Daisuke, Amari's mother has now been named Naeka and the Pine Tree kami is now called by the villagers Uba, meaning Spirit of the Pine Tree (apparently with proper kanji). I have separated the adventure in four parts at the moments, because the adventure will probably take around four session of three hours to complete. Initially I though it would be a better idea to collect and create ideas, then create the adventure from those ideas so that people could enjoy this adventure. But seeing that the adventure is much bigger in scoop than an one shot, I think it is best to abandoned that idea and let the adventure be created more organically, enjoy more of the process. So I'll post updates from time to time and please post your suggestions, neat ideas or feedback for improvements. And I'll for my part will continue working on it, in the same pace as you have seen before. See you in the next update!

It has been awhile since I updated this project. I'm still working on it, but life is keeping me busy. Current my plan for the adventure is to divide the adventure into four parts. We begin with getting to know everyone in act one and that the main problem of the village is a strange marriage ceremony between a peasant a kodama. In act two we discover that the peasant girl who tries to became the local leader, is actually an assassin hired to take control. In act three we learn that the assassins client is a group of maho-tsukai's, trying to free their Kansen protector. Then we finish in act 4 with resolving the marriage crisis, where the PCs decide which candidate will become the next 'marriage partner' of the tree spirit and the becoming village chief.

I have finished act 1, so enjoy that read (the linked document above has been updated). When I have finished all four acts, I'll have to do major editing, only after the editing am I happy with calling this project finished.

If by chance you would have ideas that you would like to contribute, please go ahead. In the meantime, I'll continue working very slowly on this.

If I might add anything to a project so complete....

Given that most L5R games involve a mix of clans and usually use the Imperials to direct the party from adventure to adventure...

Perhaps the PC's hook from whatever adventure they did previously is Miya Sadachika.

Sadachika was asked to intervene personally, but is a bit too busy between making sure the Miya maps are up to date and fulfilling her job as courier on behalf of the Imperial Bureacracy, that she simply does not have the time to involve herself with helping the Shika family decide which of the peasants in this fairly unremarkable village should marry a pine tree. She is fairly transparently scornful and dismissive of the whole concept, almost offended that she was even asked to intervene in the first place and so pretty carelessly shafts the duty onto the PCs. Of course, that kind of relies on the PCs having had a previous adventure together.

If not-- she basically intentionally sends a group of barely-past-gempukku group of various clan's rookie samurai-- not only because she doesn't feel like this is a mission that need be taken too seriously, but also to dissuade criticism in the future that the task was carried out in the favor of any single clan.

The severity and complexity of the issue should only become apparent after arriving in the village.

At the end of the adventure, the PCs can report their results to Sadachika who won't exactly heap praise upon them, because she still will have seen this as a task not really worthy of full attention almost regardless of how the hardships encountered are explained-- but in the case of success, will at least refer them to the next adventure.

I have incorporated your suggestion, hopefully are seven adventure hooks enough to get anyone started 😂