Card explanation

By lapiduch, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Hello guys i recently get my hands on this great game but i need Your help guys 😁 👍 . I lost 1st 3 scenarios but im pretty sure its because i dont understand cards. Just 1 ex. card Hunter 9 . There is printed ability (During your turn, you may discard this skill to apply 3 hits and pierce to nearby enemy) and fraze Sprint 1. So my question is - if i prepare this card

1. Can i play both printed text and Sprint? Or only 1

2. If i use only Sprint do i need to discard this card after or its allways active (until i decide to use printed ability which says discard) ?

Other thing i want to know is about for example Berevor's recommended item Travelers cloak(? Sry if i pronounce it wrong i dont have eng version of the game 😁 👍 ).

1st line says that you can raise your fear by 1.

2nd line is something about preventing 1 of the facedown dmg before i recieve it.

How to play this item card? Is it allways active? Can i use 2nd line in all situations or only once? Can this card be removed from board during an adventure by any means?

1. You can only use one of the keywords or abilities that makes you discard a card (so only the printed text or sprint). All bold printed keywords include that you have to discard your card after you use them. You can read it up in the rules reference included in the game.

2. Since you have to discard the card after using sprint you can use it only once.

The increased fear limit on the cloak is always active. There is also no way that you can loose any items you have, as far as I know. The second effect triggers once everytime you take damage. Remember that most damage is dealt faceup (Only if the app exactly tells you to take facedown damage, in any other case it's faceup damage). So this effect comes into play only a few times. If you would take i.e. 2 facedown damage from an event, you will take 1 less damage thanks to the cloak.