Squad builder extended mode missing the X-Wing?

By whafrog, in X-Wing Squad Builder

I'm sorry if this has been asked before (I'm sure it has) but searching for "extended mode missing x-wing" just doesn't find hits...or rather it includes every "x-wing" reference to the game itself.

I decided to finally try to get back into X-Wing, bought 2 core sets and conversion kits for Rebels, Empire, and Scum. Then I find out the points are online. So I go to Squad Builder and much to my chagrin, there is no X-Wing option under the Extended game mode. Really poor decision imho, but whatever.

So what now? Can I only play with the core sets OR the conversion kits? Do I have to buy new versions of all the ships I already own? Is there a way to mix and match? Or is there a place I can download the most recent points for everything?


Hello I am not quite Sure I got your point but I just checked the FFG builder and can find the Xwing easily.

It is called T65 Xwing now - just in case you searched alphabetically... 😁

It's in there, it's just difficult to find in the online version of the squad builder. To the right of the ships is a very small and nearly impossible to see vertical scroll bar. Drag down with it and you will find the T65 Xwing.

I would highly recommend using Yet Another Squad Builder for online squad builder.

It can be found here.


It's far easier to use than the official app.

xwing squad builder.png

I second the suggestion to use YASB, or on a phone or tablet search for the LaunchBayNext app. Alternatively up to date pdfs with all the points can be found here https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/x-wing-second-edition/ if you scroll down and expand 'Points lists.'

The official app, ironically, is probably the last thing you should use, at least for now. Even FFG expressed disappointment in it when it was released, and although the developers patched it to a just about useable state, it's never been very good, and now FFG have told us to expect a new/updated version soon.

@Banjo79 @missileaway @rawbean Hi all, really appreciate the responses! I didn't know about the point list PDFs, that is super handy; and I'll check out the other apps too. Thanks!

Happy to help. :)

PS, bear in mind the points are getting updated any day now, don't be too concerned with saving the pdfs yet. There's a twitch livestream (search for FFGLive) due later today discussing the new points.

Edited by rawbean