I have one yes/no ROS question that’s driving me nuts

By CoffeeMinion, in X-Wing Off-Topic

With the exception of seeking a yes/no answer to this one question, I don’t want to venture into spoilers for the movie. I’m trying to go into it as fresh as possible. But it’s likely going to be a while yet before I see it, and there’s one thing driving me absolutely crazy that I wanted to ask now that the information is out there. It’s my one persistent vexation from TLJ, and hopefully it has a simple yes/no answer:

Do they give more explanation about who or what Snoke was?! I mean, the bloke stomped around like the big bad for a movie and a half before getting summarily tossed out the airlock with nary a bit of background.

In a way, yes.


Yes and no.

And no, that's not me trolling.

For the most part, yes.

Thanks all. I’m going to chalk this up for now as at least a partial explanation, albeit one without a lot of screen time dedicated to developing it. I might have hoped for more, but maybe that will prove sufficient.

Yes, @CoffeeMinion from a certain point of view.





On 12/20/2019 at 8:12 AM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

from a certain point of view

Ended up getting to see it today, and I’m pretty okay with how Snoke played out. Makes sense, and ties a bow on what he ultimately was.