Jokkker's fleet

By Jokkker, in X-Wing Painting and Modification


Here's some of my modest repaints/minor modifications.

Let's start off with just a First Order TIE group. Never liked the white panels so I've just painted those dark (Vallejo's German grey seemed to suit these space fascists well). A touch of red wash to cockpits and a little drybrush.



Not too dramatic but an improvement shall I say. 🤔

Since the Silencer is now scaled properly I had to do something to that old bulky one. First removed the panels and then cut off the rear portions of them. I wanted the ship to be approx. same width and lenght as the updated version so the pylons had to be cut also. Here's the end result (still unpainted).




It shall act as a kind of a prototype Silencer v.0.1 - a clumsier design and a big cockpit to fit all of those Sienar-Jamus test engineers. 😄

Edited by Jokkker

It's la Résistance !

Red-blue (-grey/white) themed ships this time - quite close to the originals.


T-70s and my lone RZ-2. Just added some wear-and-tear, red accents and few details on astromechs (also R2-KT needed to be in this game).


I wanted the transport to fly and roll like it's cousin the B-wing - easily done with a magnet.



...and finally the Falcon. No reason to have three identical YT-1300s so I added some cargo/container holders to the front jaws and filled the bullet holes/etc. to make it a little different.


Edited by Jokkker
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My few Republic ships. Some added green and details on the standard paint job.


I repainted Anakin's Aethersprite too dark (my wash use seems to be excessive...). I'll get back to these later and add some highlighting.´´




A comparison to rebel counterpart.


I rather like Anakin the way he is. It looks like he's seen the same amount of dust everyone else has. These are all fantastic, I've typed which my favorite was 3 different times, but can't decide.

On 1/9/2020 at 8:45 PM, Whalers on the moon said:

I rather like Anakin the way he is. It looks like he's seen the same amount of dust everyone else has. These are all fantastic, I've typed which my favorite was 3 different times, but can't decide.

Thanks a lot! 👍

I did an initial paintjob on my chopped prototype Silencer. Needs probably some red stripes/accents...


I did also rest of my T-70s for an epic game we had yesterday.


Lord Vader guarding the candy and supervising grandson's performance (First Order took it 300-297 😭 ).


Work in progress. This is my first CR90 and I'm super excited to get it painted. Absolutely stunning ship/model.




It's already a 2nd paintjob on this particular model, so the paint is a bit thick on some parts...

After noticing MacrossVF1's masterful paintjobs inspired by Tantive IV-look I had to take some photos of my very first X-wing repaint. It all started few years ago after over 20 years of hiatus from painting... I've never liked the original Ghost colors, look or paintjob and hence it was totally unplayable for me. I too had an idea to repaint it with that Tantive-red-stripy-old-school-starwarsy-look. I didn't have any proper modelpaints at hand so I took some of my kids cheap acrylic paints (basic pure tones and black+white).

Here's the result. I'll probably redo this one in the future. Certainly the docking function for the Phantoms needs to be fixed.




Edited by Jokkker

Pretty good for cheap acrylics!

CR90 got a few layers of washes. I’m not completely satisfied with the tone (a bit too blueish/cold - corax white primer on blue so maybe could have been expected... 🤔 ). I noted that painting a huge without an airbrush can be quite... time consuming. 🤯


Engine block was a pain in the ... to do. I’m gonna try to do the engine glows on this one.


My gosh, those engines look so messy and lumpy on a proper computer screen (uploaded them with my mobile)! 😬

Next up is Scum - a faction I actually did (some) real repaints on and not just touch ups. I came up with this color scheme after I painted a Scurrg with Nym colors (orange-white/grey-dark grey/black). I did an experiment with adding some orange nyances on some Black Sun -prepainted ships and I liked it! So maybe these guys are a division of the Black Sun cartel specialized on smuggling oranges...









Need to get more Fangs. The paintjob on these is quite bland and needs maybe some teeth-like shapes/darker tones.



YV is heading for a repaint, I tried to paint a somewhat rusty Sandcrawlerish look on this one. Too dark grey and I don't like my rust-effects on this one. Pup is docked with a magnet.


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Those Fangs, YV-666, and especially the Kimogila are GORGEOUS.

On 1/29/2020 at 3:43 AM, KCDodger said:

Those Fangs, YV-666, and especially the Kimogila are GORGEOUS.

Thank you very much!

A new Black One for Poe! I don't actually like red-blue-black-scheme but it had to match my other La Résistance -ships. Happy with BB-8 I am.


Here's some of my Rebels.




Z-95s - I've been using these a lot lately (a swarmy list of: 3 x Y + 4 x Z-95), love em! ...I mean before this social distancing -stuff.


No successful use for these old A-wings yet.


Just finished my K-wings. For the first one I wanted to paint "Warden" in aurebesh (ok-ish) and for the 2nd I tried the Rebel insignia (quite good if I may say). With the third one I just lost my concentration and thought "f*** this" (in finnish) - and therefore V. 😉



The finished CR90 from above - the "Sabre of Appenza".




Edited by Jokkker

My gods, these are beautiful.

Ok, I started over with the VCX posted above.

I wanted to have the docking option for both of the Phantoms. I carved out some plastic (I used a Dremel multi-tool, a modeling knife and a file) and glued magnets for a nice attachment.




The next step is to get rid of that old paint. A bath in windscreen wash (denatured alcohol) should do it without damaging plastic.


The result after soaking these for 30 mins. 👍

Edited by Jokkker
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Ok, the old paint is gone. I used an electric toothbrush with a mix of denatured alcohol and water to scrub rest of it off... The underlying factory paint wasn’t affected at all. 🤔

I’ve never done any scratchbuilds/proper modeling so the next step (the docking port) was a jolly learning experience for me! 😎 Some polystyrene, glue and greenstuff.




It’s a nice fit! 👍

Not a modeling masterpiece like a lot of amazing builds on this forum but I’m completely satisfied. ... and getting an itch to actually play with these ships... 😄

On 4/6/2020 at 7:23 AM, Jokkker said:

You did a masterful job on these, they are almost acceptable, and that's saying a bunch!

I admit, I really loath these models since they came out. And miranda with her TLT made me hate it even more. But in their chassis design, they simply are shaped and loaded completely wrong in my Star Wars Universe mind, but that is incredibly subjective I know. But man, I had to give you props because you did them way better than they deserve.

Your other work is great too, I really enjoy your thread. Mad Props! to finish my last tea.

13 hours ago, clanofwolves said:

You did a masterful job on these, they are almost acceptable, and that's saying a bunch!

I admit, I really loath these models since they came out. And miranda with her TLT made me hate it even more. But in their chassis design, they simply are shaped and loaded completely wrong in my Star Wars Universe mind, but that is incredibly subjective I know. But man, I had to give you props because you did them way better than they deserve.

Your other work is great too, I really enjoy your thread. Mad Props! to finish my last tea.

Much appreciated! 👍

I do understand your dismay of Ks. I didn’t like them either one bit for a very long time - too much going on: all the bombs/missiles hanging around, silly double cockpit, ugly turrets. I did though like to play Miranda on 1.0 😬 and I no longer despise these... Repaint also helps a lot.

Speaking of un-SW-design, there’s a far worse one! The Auzituck Gunship! Oh, that loathsome, bloaty, fat and childish looking piece of lazy design... 😫 😩

1 hour ago, Jokkker said:

Much appreciated! 👍

I do understand your dismay of Ks. I didn’t like them either one bit for a very long time - too much going on: all the bombs/missiles hanging around, silly double cockpit, ugly turrets. I did though like to play Miranda on 1.0 😬 and I no longer despise these... Repaint also helps a lot.

Speaking of un-SW-design, there’s a far worse one! The Auzituck Gunship! Oh, that loathsome, bloaty, fat and childish looking piece of lazy design... 😫 😩

Yes, I do agree, the Auzituck was bad in design and abilities too, much like 1.0 Miranda. Overall, it seems much of the later 1.0 ships were just not right at all, as if they rushed them and power creeped them to create sales and didn't give a rats a** what they were. I used to like to say I'm no Star Wars purist, but I guess I am, haha!

Keep up the good work though, it's guys like you that keep the game fun in the correcting aesthetic ways. Have you seen @MacrossVF1 's Sith Infiltrator? Man, I just had thoughts on that being a real a un-Star-Warsy paint job, and expressed my real liking of the Hyena, and his artistry makes the ship look great, in lieu of what it was, of which I have no words really. I mean, did it look "Sith" at all before? Or did it configure up the term "Infiltrator" to you stock? It was the most ironic (in a bad way) name for that paint scheme ever done in miniatures history. IMHO of course. But come on FFG, ugggg!

On 4/17/2020 at 4:35 PM, clanofwolves said:

Keep up the good work though, it's guys like you that keep the game fun in the correcting aesthetic ways. Have you seen @MacrossVF1 's Sith Infiltrator? Man, I just had thoughts on that being a real a un-Star-Warsy paint job, and expressed my real liking of the Hyena, and his artistry makes the ship look great, in lieu of what it was, of which I have no words really. I mean, did it look "Sith" at all before? Or did it configure up the term "Infiltrator" to you stock? It was the most ironic (in a bad way) name for that paint scheme ever done in miniatures history. IMHO of course. But come on FFG, ugggg!

I did see that Infiltrator (and as all of his work) it is super clean (I could not do achieve that) and sharp lookin’ ship!

Concerning the EU-material I guess FFG could have chosen something else. I would’ve looked at the ships in the 90s TIE fighter and X-wing PC games for example.

Overall I’m glad that SW universe is getting new material all the time now (so I guess thanks to Disney). ...but at the same time there’s just loads of missed opportunities to invent cool new stuff. I mean look at the EP VII-IX (and Resistance). They spent millions of dollars and practically did come up with zero actually cool looking ships. (I give ok grades to Quadjumper, Upsilon and ResBomber). Some updated X-wings and A-wing (with silly rear firing lasers), same Bs&Ys, same TIE designs, copied SDs and Rebel frigates. And why the f**k do they use the exact same Tantive IV? Wasn’t it destroyed after New Hope?

And lastly - Resistance transport pod. A tiny blob that actually should be unarmed suddenly has same firepower than a TIE fighter. Should be just an 0 ATT escape pod type of thing that deploys after the transport is destroyed saving the crew (+maybe a cannon slot)..? 🤔

So maybe I ma a purist too! 😄 ...and overall I give HUGE props to FFG for making this game and they do make excellent work all the time. 👍 A+

Okay, 'nuf ranting. Here's my Millenium Falcon repainted to match (some version) of original references found in interwebs ( ).




I'm figuring out the paint scheme for the Ghost docking port. I want the pattern to match both of the Phantoms. I improvised this red-stripey-pattern (it's still quite messy, going to clean it up):




Some misc-WIPs.

I’ve made some sluggish progress on my VCX! \o/ All of the Phantoms are done. (Proper pictures later.)


Used my Falcon as a reference and painted similar weathering pattern on the VCX. The starboard side is still undone.

A pair of N-1s - IMO painting the engine glow really brought life to this model.


Got miself a 3rd Scurrg! Boba crew, concussion bombs, Nym, some mines and a bombardier on Sol, Ion turrets... 😋

I fixed my two E-wings and took of the silly 3rd cannon. I re-used the Cannon mount as an Astromech - it’s an ok-ish result. 🤔

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The Ghost (and rest of the Rebels team) is ready for some action!




(Must improve those engine glows...)

...and a Decimator with three Inquisitors too! I just wanted these to match the rest of my Imp-fleet with that Imperial blue -tone. Maybe a bit dull but that suits my vision for the Empire... 😎




I'll probably try something casual-and-experimental with these, like:

Alexsandr Kallus (68)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
Baze Malbus (3)
Hull Upgrade (2)
Bistan (10)
Ghost (0)

Ship total: 88 Half Points: 44 Threshold: 8

Cavern Angels Zealot (39)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 39 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 3

Cavern Angels Zealot (39)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 39 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 3

AP-5 (32)
Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 3

Total: 198

Captain Oicunn (74)
Intimidation (3)
Seventh Sister (9)
Hull Upgrade (2)
Dauntless (4)

Ship total: 92 Half Points: 46 Threshold: 9

Inquisitor (36)
Ship total: 36 Half Points: 18 Threshold: 2

Inquisitor (36)
Ship total: 36 Half Points: 18 Threshold: 2

Baron of the Empire (28)
Squad Leader (8)

Ship total: 36 Half Points: 18 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

Edited by Jokkker