Projection experts/Mon Cal Exodus Fleet clarification

By darkforg, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

In a casual list I'm putting together I have an MC80 with projection experts and Mon Cal Exodus Fleet. When I reveal an engineering command can I do both or just one of them. If I can't do both would having a token change that? ie use the dial on one and the token on the other.

Thanks in advance for your replies!

You can do both. The "[REPAIR ICON]:" header indicates that the card can be resolved when you resolve a repair command. Both cards are looking for this same trigger of resolving a repair command, which can be done with just a dial, just a token or both a dial and token.

So you could do the following:

1. Reveal a repair command on your MC80

2. Declare you are spending the repair command to get 4 engineering points on your MC80

3. Declare you will resolve MC Exodus and Projection experts

4. Exhaust the MC Exodus title on another ship. MC80 gains 2 more engineering points for a total of 6.

5. Use projection experts and 2 engineering points to send 2 shields to another ship

6. Use the remaining 4 engineering points to get those shields back on the MC80.

Edited by jp82729