Adventure Mode

By Thaeggan, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Seems a new difficulty was added to the game, but there is no mention about it from FFG?

I was only able to find a post on Board Game Geeks. [ post ]

  • Free inspiration token each round
  • unexplored tiles no longer count toward an increase of threat meter.

Anyone else know more about the mode?

Indeed, just an easier mode for "family" campaign I guess ! Good for them ! πŸ™‚

3 hours ago, shade666 said:

Indeed, just an easier mode for "family" campaign I guess ! Good for them ! πŸ™‚

You the same person from BGG? πŸ˜†

The Gaming Forum world is so small ;)

Good catch ! I reacted indeed on BGG, but I dont recall what I said. I just tried to see what the mode was about.

But if you followed most of the "concerns" on BGG about the difficulty (I find the game quite easy when you understand the meta) the adventure mode really seems adapted for family groups who don't play too often different games ! (who voiced often in the difficulty level topic)

And it is quite ok, I would say !

Edited by shade666

I play with my eight year old son and the whole race element is something that always trips us up because he wants to explore and kill all of the enemies etc. He's going to love this. Please can we have the option in Descent and IA as well please! :)

42 minutes ago, shade666 said:

Good catch ! I reacted indeed on BGG, but I dont recall what I said. I just tried to see what the mode was about.

But if you followed most of the "concerns" on BGG about the difficulty (I find the game quite easy when you understand the meta) the adventure mode really seems adapted for family groups who don't play too often different games ! (who voiced often in the difficulty level topic)

And it is quite ok, I would say !

I can never have enough inspiration to say the game is easy even on normal mode. My ability to only draw 1 success (of the 4 in my deck) on every test is impeccable. I find once you spend an inspiration to perform an action and not regain it, its a dark spiral for the rest of the game.

1 minute ago, GruntosUK said:

Please can we have the option in Descent and IA as well please! :)

Yes -- the additional dirt in the game to make Descent harder just makes it more annoying. We couldn't even get through the first area in a reasonable length of time, and my friends clearly had no interest in trying it again. 😐

I get that most players, especially casual, see this as a welcome addition. But from my point of view, as a somewhat experienced player (in boardgames in particular, not necessarily this one), I wish we'd get a "super hard" level as well. Call it Desperation mode or whatever :P

I finished Bones of Arnor twice - with a group in a Gimli/Legolas/Argaorn/Elena build and playing solo with Gimli and Bilbo (both on normal lvl). I'm currently playing through Ember Crown on normal with my gf (Bilbo/Beravora) and Bones of Arnor on hard (Elena/Bilbo/Beravor/Legolas). In both finished campaigns I/we only lost two scenarios, and after scenario 4-5 I/we rarely had any problems with killing enemies. In my solo play after the second scenario i left no stone unturned. Literally, I got everything. I had 7 trinkets, 5 titles on Gimli and 7 on Bilbo. In 4player group it was a bit harder, but in the second half of the campaign the enemies were mostly a nuisance, not a threat, and we left no more than 2 unclicked tokens per scenario. I hope the hard mode would be different, but after first 4 scenarios won I can't really see the difference...

So yeah, I wish for a harder mode - mind you, not faster, as more threat is not the solution in this case. I wish for more challenging scenarios, more powerful enemies or threat events. Guess I'll have to wait a long time for it :P

A very welcome addition. Thanks FFG!

More Gaming modes is just good and yeah... a nighmare mode would be next logical and most welcome addition!

Whether you’re embarking on your first adventures in the Bones of Arnor campaign or are setting out for the Blue Mountains in Hunt for the Ember Crown , Adventure Mode gives you the chance to experience everything Middle-earth has to offer and explore every corner of this iconic land throughout your campaign.

Because is translated only 80% of the core set in my language and DLC cannot be run, it is quite difficult to explore every corner of the Middle-earth regardless of the new game mode.

I was hoping for a new expansion announcement, not this nonsense cheating mode..

7 hours ago, Shironeko said:

I was hoping for a new expansion announcement, not this nonsense cheating mode..

Well, there was a leak last week about a new expansion. So, soon-ish I suspect we'll hear official news about it.

It should appear in the summer according to news we have so far.

I'm not going to knock anyone who wanted this, but even with our casual group we're finding Ember Crown to be so easy as to be boring. Not entirely sure this was needed, but ah well.

On β€Ž12β€Ž/β€Ž16β€Ž/β€Ž2019 at 1:43 AM, Thaeggan said:

Well, there was a leak last week about a new expansion. So, soon-ish I suspect we'll hear official news about it.

I think the last we heard was that news for the next expansion would drop early next year. So I expect news sometime in January. Would love it earlier though...

2 hours ago, Buhallin said:

I'm not going to knock anyone who wanted this, but even with our casual group we're finding Ember Crown to be so easy as to be boring. Not entirely sure this was needed, but ah well.

I think its for those who want a casual stroll through Middle Earth, not a chase. There have been times where I had to give up on doing a interact with a token because I was never going to be able to get to it. For those of us who want to see all the little side stories without compromising the campaign too much its a welcome addition.

That said, I think me and my group will still continue on Normal mode just to ensure there is some challenge.

On 12/15/2019 at 9:43 AM, Thaeggan said:

Well, there was a leak last week about a new expansion. So, soon-ish I suspect we'll hear official news about it.

Just to add to what @Majushi said, in the Andrew Navarro Q&A he said to expect an announcement in Q1, and I think the leak placed the release in May or June. So January sounds about right.