Resistance experiment

By ChahDresh, in X-Wing Epic Play

Here's a stab at Resistance Epic, using almost my whole Resistance collection. It fits into the usual Resistance mold, that of having to use twice as much activity to achieve the results others get more directly. We've got an anvil and two hammers going here, with a few points floating around for customization.
Here's the anvil:
GR-75: Resistance Sympathizers
-Ion Cannon Battery, Damage Control Team, Leia Organa.
MG-100 Starfortress: (Salami) Cat
-Trajectory Simulator, Proton Bombs, Delayed Fuses, Veteran Turret Gunner.
Resistance Transport: Nodin Chavdri
-Kova Nell, Autoblasters, Proton Torpedoes, R4 Astro
All three ships can maintain position on-demand. Cat can (with Leia's assistance) stall indefinitely while flinging bombs and reloading them until an engagement seems likely. Delayed Fuses allows him to use his ability for a strong double-tap when the enemy approaches. The Sympathizers can stall for 4-5 turns while taking pot-shots with the Ion Battery, or indefinitely holding fire. Nodin can nuzzle Cat's flank without care thanks to coordinate shenanigans: the GR-75 coordinates Nodin who coordinates Cat. You can bump Cat until an engagement seems likely, then do a gentle maneuver to focus, then coordinate shenanigans, yielding locks for Cat and Nodin (at I7!) for lock+focus into a ProTorp.
By securing a central position and then sticking there, the Anvil can force the enemy to split up to go around, potentially yielding favorable engagements for the Hammers.
Hammer 1
T-70: Temmin Wexley
-Veteran Wing Leader, Jamming Beam
T-70: Jess Pava
T-70: Lieutenant Bastian
These three T-70s together is a known Good Thing. Giving Jess and Bastian access to Snap's free Boost is that much gooder. The wing's speed and middleweight initiative can be advantageous against other wings. Many wings use an ace-and-generics setup. This wing can activate before the ace in order to get blocks, but shoot before the generics to score Ini-kills. It's equally comfortable engaging capital ships.
Hammer 2
Transport Pod: Rose Tico
YT-1300: Rey
Rose can lurk around the edge of the Anvil, for protection and to provide point defense. Rey gets to come in from a favorable direction and start throwing haymakers. Huge ships don't like things behind them, especially things that can throw up to five strongly modified dice a turn. If we're feeling brave, we can drop Rose and put GA-97 on another ship (probably Nodin), saving ~30 points for toys on everyone else.
Weaknesses: a tough-enough or maneuverable-enough wing might be willing or able to slice through Cat's barrage. In that case, the Starfortress will melt rather quickly. Also, none of the ships in the Anvil has much defense against Turbolasers. A Corellian Corvette or Raider can punish it beyond its effective range to respond. Poor Cat has great firepower in an Epic setting, but as a low-agi target without Reinforce, is painfully vulnerable to two things (wings and Turbolasers) you have to expect in Epic. Nodin isn't much better.
Options: Kare Kun's turn-boosts are all the more dramatic when swinging wings around, and downgrading to her saves points; any boost also leaves her attack unmodded. Snap can approximate the effect with Daredevil, but that stresses him (making *his* attack unmodded) and is more expensive. Foresight might be worth it on Rey if she's Huge hunting. GA-97 might not be worth it in epic, since engagements tend to happen earlier and with more decisiveness.
Edited by ChahDresh

Love the t70 hammer with Snap. Brilliant.

I'm really interested in an after-action report on this.