Become delayed if mythos asks for it

By OldestOne, in General Discussion


we have a discussion going on about a mythos card which says: The lead investigator must choose an investigator to become delayed.

The question: Can the lead investigator choose an investigator which is already delayed?

My answeris no, he can't. The task is to choose one who 'becomes' delayd, and an already delayed investigator is not a valid choice because no one can get delayed twice. So, although we don't pay for an effect, the choosen invetigator must at least have the possobility to become delayed.

The others argue, we don't pay for an effect, therefore we are not limited whom we choose and can choose an already delayed investigator.

What would be the correct answer?

Thanks in advance!


On 12/6/2019 at 6:36 PM, OldestOne said:

we have a discussion going on about a mythos card which says: The lead investigator must choose an investigator to become delayed.

The question: Can the lead investigator choose an investigator which is already delayed?

Surprisingly, I think this hasn't been clarified directly. But I believe that the precedents still give us an unambiguous answer.
Before I link my sources let's try an example with the same wording and different effect.
"When this card enters play, the Lead Investigator chooses 1 investigator to become Delayed discard 1 Focus."
Can you choose an investigator that has no focus? You surely can as it's likely that no one has any Focus.
But if one investigator has Focus are you forced to choose that investigator? I say: Definitely not. Choose anyone and that investigator discards 1 Focus if they can.
And for the original effect: Choose any investigator and they become Delayed if they can.
You choose someone and an effect happens to them. There is no prerequisite that they need to able to suffer the effect in the fullest.
Another example: Kate has 1 Health, and Mary has 3 Health. Mythos card says "Choose an investigator to lose 3 Health". Are you forced to choose Mary? No. You can choose Kate to "cheat" out of losing 2 Health.
I do hope I managed to make this matter more clear.
My sources: Patrolling the Border , Choose an investigator to become delayed , Delayed twice? , Blight Card Reckoning

Thank your for your answer!

One can interpret all these tasks in favour of the players, as you suggest, or in favour of the game, as I prefer. All your examples also make perfect sense when you focus on the aspect of choosing: Select on investigator who potentially can fulfill the task. As additional effect, it would give investigators with special abilities more importance, as e.g. Mark Harrigan can be choosen and he can dodge the effect.

I will ask for clarification at FFG and let you know as soon I get an answer.
