2019 Christmas Upick (mafia)

By PodRacer, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic


Ghost or Jabba now. If Ghost is asking who the block was, I gotta figure its Jabba.

I’ll wait on Forty to confirm.

20 hours ago, PodRacer said:

mafia aligned virgin who shot roleblocking lasers from his *****.


2 hours ago, PodRacer said:

Better news, @EbonHawk is a confirmed innocent child.

you know it

So in order order of suspicion:

1 Jabba

2 Ghost

3 Forty

4 Mad

5 ME

ghost and forty are interchangeable

will wait for more convo to pick up now

2 minutes ago, EbonHawk said:

you know it

also maybe more to come people..

@FortyInRed Who did you block bud?


Jabba (1) anon

Day will end in 24 hours from now

A crackling energy storm suddenly flares a bright glow that makes the players wince and duck, before a figure emerges from the eye of the storm.

He glares at the remaining mob one by one, then looks down and flexes.

A bright flash follows and then the face of the man comes into view.

It is @Lord Preyer .

Another blinding sheet of white light stuns the players, as they travel back in time to the start of day four.


I have come from your future, my past, to warn you that though @ebon hawk may seem fair of face in terms of the supposed innocence of babes, his countenance might yet disguise malign intent for your fair Town!

And as such he must be eradicated with prejudice extreme!

But this is not all I know! For my fellow Lords of Gallifrey have sent me, their most trusted agent of The Celestial Intervention Agency, to ensure young @Caldias survival! HE-HAS-A-DESTINY.

Long have I monitored the contortions of your Timescape from within the safety of my Invisible ManShield. And now the hour draws ripe I shall assist thee in the final scum hunt!


Jabba (1) anon

But first I must retire temporarily to my SIDRAT to regenerate after such an exhausting journey. Tomorrow (in what you consider tomorrow to be) I shall aid you and answer you as best I can drawing on my knowledge and that of the Matrix to help us find the wretched villainy!

A fond goodnight!

(PS: I was the Invisible Man; I am now a Town-aligned Time Cop; I have reason to believe @EbonHawk may be a Scum Innocent Child (don’t even ask!); I had an Anon vote under my control earlier; I couldn’t play properly before due to Xmas; if people want to insta-lynch me for crashing your game I totally respect that!)

1 minute ago, Lord Preyer said:

(PS: I was the Invisible Man; I am now a Town-aligned Time Cop; I have reason to believe @EbonHawk may be a Scum Innocent Child (don’t even ask!); I had an Anon vote under my control earlier; I couldn’t play properly before due to Xmas; if people want to insta-lynch me for crashing your game I totally respect that!)


4 hours ago, Madaghmire said:

Ghost or Jabba now. If Ghost is asking who the block was, I gotta figure its Jabba.

I’ll wait on Forty to confirm.

I got two nights of movements.

Technically I don't have an action, but that seems like it would still be blockable...

3 hours ago, Lord Preyer said:


wooo you're in this game!!!

3 hours ago, Lord Preyer said:

But this is not all I know! For my fellow Lords of Gallifrey have sent me, their most trusted agent of The Celestial Intervention Agency, to ensure young @Caldias survival! HE-HAS-A-DESTINY.

urrmmm your info is really off then not just about me

3 hours ago, Lord Preyer said:

I have reason to believe @EbonHawk may be a Scum Innocent Child (don’t even ask!)

I will as I feel you're merging the game on the whatsapp with this one... which isn't good play in any means

also your info you come in with warnings of me an innocent child, and keeping cal alive who literally just died

3 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:


so quick to trust him would be unwise, especially off the back of my bertie push. I'm unsure on marcus but jester springs to mind.... I may have sent in one myself with vengeful as well so I'm not up for trusting marcus and defo not lynching him if i'm right