Yaimpar be te Bes'uliik OOC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Yep! If you trigger a crit, that's another kill.


Tam takes 10 damage from the stormtrooper.

Now we're back up to Kebiin and Tam.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Tam takes 10 damage from the stormtrooper.


Kebiin Aim, fire at Trooper: 3 Success, 2 Advantage

Nice. If you trigger a crit with the 2 Advantage you take him out.

Please go ahead and post IC, and then we are out of structured time.

They are going to take their weapons and gear. plus whatever survived from the transport. They'll pick over the gear and hand off the rest to the Resistance.

The transport is pretty destroyed and burning, you won't be able to get anything good out of it. The stormtroopers have 4 blaster rifles and 4 Jetpacks. The other troopers' equipment was pretty much demolished.

<Good. I'm Kyra Vanth of the Nite Owls' starfighter squadron. Are you Tam and Kebiin?>

They're taking everything of the troopers, bodies too (for now), the armor can be salvaged and used by Rebels/ other cells.

The difficulty to repair the crit is Hard.

With her Specialist Tool (which you haven't added to her sheet, by the way. You also haven't added her tool kit) you add 1s1a to the results.

Where exactly is this in the timeline? Is this after Rebels and the Darksaber gets handed off, but still before the Great Purge?

This is during Bo Katan's resistance, I'm placing it at about 1 BBY, which I believe splits the difference between the end of Rebels and the Battle of Yavin. Since we've got no idea when the purge happened or when it happened, I'm pretty much ignoring it until we get more info. For that matter, I might allow the Bes'uliike to change the tide and allow the Mandalorians to at least hold out.

Kebiin engine repairs: 2 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Triumph

You are good to go, then.

How long do repairs take?

(Are Niteowels offering us the job, or were we already hired on previously?)

A few minutes.

You were called in by the resistance, of which the Nite Owls are a part. Hired is a... strong word. More like requested to do your duty for Mandalore.

At this point, you don't really have any details. The resistance contacted the PCs through their clans and told them that they had a mission for them, if they wanted to help Mandalore, and summoned you to a rendezvous.

I've gotta admit, I'd assumed the Zabrak was gonna be the serious one. That'll teach me to be speciesist! :D

I kinda decided to have them be teenagers, and play them snarky :D

Please go ahead and roll Destiny, same channel as last time. Please also roll initiative (Cool).

16 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Please go ahead and roll Destiny, same channel as last time. Please also roll initiative (Cool).

2eF ?

Yeah, but for ShockHelix. We're switching gears now.

There we go, was trying to use the destiny point roller but I don’t know how to add another dice on my phone lol.