Modifying Dice and Salvo?

By antisocialmunky, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions


If the attack was made by a ship, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacking hull zone using its printed rear battery armament. If the attacker was a squadron, however, the defender uses its printed anti-squadron armament. You cannot add dice to a salvo attack or resolve critcal effects but the standard critical effect. You cannot spend a Salvo defense token in response to a Salvo attack.

Modifying dice (reroll, swapping, replacing, spend) is not prohibited by the currently released langauge on 'Salvo'.

Can Linked Turbolaser Turrets, CF tokens, either Vader, and other effects reroll salvo die?

Can Varni swap a die?

Can Sato replace multiple die?

If you can perform reroll effects it makes LTT extremely effective on salvo ships.

13 minutes ago, antisocialmunky said:

Modifying dice (reroll, swapping, replacing, spend) is not prohibited by the currently released langauge on 'Salvo'.

Can Linked Turbolaser Turrets, CF tokens, either Vader, and other effects reroll salvo die?

Can Varni swap a die?

Can Sato replace multiple die?

If you can perform reroll effects it makes LTT extremely effective on salvo ships.

There is nothing that prevent you from rerolling dice (so far). As we don't have the full rules for these tokens, it is hard to tell.
But beside rerolls something like TRC are interesting as well.
Or Screed. Really nasty when you get your free crit on the opponents activation 😁

13 minutes ago, antisocialmunky said:

Can Varni swap a die?

Can Sato replace multiple die?

It depend how exchange (Varni) and replace (Sato) are ruled. Currently they are not listed in the modify dice of the RRG. If they have their own keyword they might work. But i would say they are removing and adding dice. And if it is this way, they do not work.

17 hours ago, Tokra said:

It depend how exchange (Varni) and replace (Sato) are ruled. Currently they are not listed in the modify dice of the RRG. If they have their own keyword they might work. But i would say they are removing and adding dice. And if it is this way, they do not work.

It’s the opposite via convention.

if Sato were a remove and replace, then You would have a situation where the most popular Sato fleet doesn’t work.

Ergo, but current rules and conventions they are NOT dice modification Events- indeed, Sato happens outside that window - so it’s much more reasonable to assume they do.

”Add” is very key to that, and it is missing .

6 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:

It’s the opposite via convention.

if Sato were a remove and replace, then You would have a situation where the most popular Sato fleet doesn’t work.

Ergo, but current rules and conventions they are NOT dice modification Events- indeed, Sato happens outside that window - so it’s much more reasonable to assume they do.

”Add” is very key to that, and it is missing .

True, Sato is before dice modification.
And after all, Sato need some love. Savlo Sato Fleets would be fun. Espeicllay with Agate coming as well.

But Varni will need some ruling. Currently you are spending a die (removing it from the attack pool). To do what? You spend a die to exchange it. Wouldn't there be a better wording for it? 😊
It is true that it is not add by rules. Adding a die means you roll it. Varni is not doing it. So per rules it is no add.

Just now, Tokra said:

True, Sato is before dice modification.
And after all, Sato need some love. Savlo Sato Fleets would be fun. Espeicllay with Agate coming as well.

But Varni will need some ruling. Currently you are spending a die (removing it from the attack pool). To do what? You spend a die to exchange it. Wouldn't there be a better wording for it? 😊
It is true that it is not add by rules. Adding a die means you roll it. Varni is not doing it. So per rules it is no add.

Spend is itself and important keyword - for all we know, there’s some future proofing on other uogrades that will involve spending other dice or triggering on that...

But in the case of lacking keyword definition - you’ll have to look at the standard definition - in this case, physically exchange the dice and keep each symbol on the (rather than try to change each die to the others face as change is a modification itself too)

Spending a dice is actually specified as modification as Karneck mentioned in his Lando video so it sounds allowed as it falls under existing 'spend' trigger rules. Otherwise accuracies wouldn't work with Salvo since they are also spend which removes a die.

Yes, but modifications aren’t banned, it’s “Add” that is.

However you look at it, Exchange and Replace are not Add, so much (all?) solved there.

Maybe that is exactly the point here. All they need to do is define keywords.

Was that point maybe even the trigger for the faq-entry for screed?

1 hour ago, drumtier said:

Maybe that is exactly the point here. All they need to do is define keywords.

Was that point maybe even the trigger for the faq-entry for screed?

Screed was FAQd because of Quad Laser Turrets... The definition difference between a ship activation and a squad activation, both using the term "activation"


Don't get me started on Attack vs Attack ... :D

Varni seems to work.

1. Exchange is not a modification so neither an add effect

2. Exchange is a new modification so it's not an add effect.

Unless it's defined as an add effect I don't see the problem and I don't see that coming as it would require to change the "add" die meaning and also would add a new "keyword" to just use an existing one.

Heavy Fire Zone looks like it would also work with Salvo, but I'm not sure why you would want to do that since it's distance 1 or a Rhymer close range, replacing for 1 -2 blues for reds seems best to flak at long range and start hurting the squad balls.

Edited by eliteone
4 minutes ago, eliteone said:

Heavy Fire Zone looks like it would also work with Salvo, but I'm not sure why you would want to do that since it's distance 1 or a Rhymer close range, replacing for 1 -2 blues for reds seems best to flak at long range and start hurting the squad balls.



3 minutes ago, ovinomanc3r said:



but but but !! HFZ is also a Turbolaser so Rebels would need the MC80 BC or SC to run both, and then only the SC has a blue anti-squad.

Empire with Cymoon's dual black is out, and only the SSD could run HFZ and TRC but would require Needa in an officer chair...

Edited by eliteone
2 minutes ago, eliteone said:

but but but !! HFZ is also a Turbolaser so Rebels would need the MC80 BC or SC to run both, and then only the SC has a blue anti-squad.

Empire with Cymoon's dual black is out, and only the SSD could run HFZ and TRC but would require Needa in an officer chair...

People make weird choices 🤷‍♂️

If you take the Commander version of Agate on Starhawk II, you can sling a TRC red die at squadrons. Cute.

Here is a question, does Slaved Turrets prevent Salvo attacks?

Amity title gives you an evade nevermind Agate (for the Mark I).

Can use that for TRC, however not against Squads.

Edited by RapidReload
1 hour ago, antisocialmunky said:


Here is a question, does Slaved Turrets prevent Salvo attacks?


It is an upgrade. It is a cannot. It's per round.

6 hours ago, eliteone said:

Heavy Fire Zone looks like it would also work with Salvo, but I'm not sure why you would want to do that since it's distance 1 or a Rhymer close range, replacing for 1 -2 blues for reds seems best to flak at long range and start hurting the squad balls.

Higher max damage. When you need to kill something or lose, it’s that simple.

It looks like a bad card, though.

I mean, its a very specialized card. A SSD with LTT + HFZ + Annihilator + Kallus + Gunnery Team can flak about 25% of the board and roll 5 against the first unique squadron. That's nuts.

I forget the ruling but can you spend command tokens during Salvo and QLT counter?

3 hours ago, antisocialmunky said:

I mean, its a very specialized card. A SSD with LTT + HFZ + Annihilator + Kallus + Gunnery Team can flak about 25% of the board and roll 5 against the first unique squadron. That's nuts.

I forget the ruling but can you spend command tokens during Salvo and QLT counter?

It’s a turbolaser slot that appears to do nothing against squadronless fleets and effectively gives you one extra flak shot over the course of the game (if they’re bombing you, you can almost always flak them.) It doesn’t even help finish off anything faster than speed 3 if they bomb from the full distance 1.

Maybe with Ruthless Strategists, but I can’t think of any other scenario where I’d bring it over some combination of XI7, H9, QTCs, LTTs, or QBTs.

We don’t know about Salvo, but QLT is an attack, so yes.

A command can be resolved once per round during the appropriate timing window, so in the case of Concentrate Fire is during "Resolve Attack Effects " step, if it has not yet been resolved for that ship, you could use a token (or even Piett it) and resolve the command. You just can't resolve it for that ship for the rest of the round.

Example, squadron attacks a ship that has not yet activated, and has QLT equipped, when it counters, it could spend a Concentrate Fire token and resolve the Concentrate Fire command.

Then when that ship activates, even if it reveals a concentrate fire dial, it cannot spend the dial, as it already resolved that command. But it could take that dial as a token to save it for the next round.

Edited by Karneck
30 minutes ago, Karneck said:

A command can be resolved once per round during the appropriate timing window, so in the case of Concentrate Fire is during "Resolve Attack Effects " step, if it has not yet been resolved for that ship, you could use a token (or even Piett it) and resolve the command. You just can't resolve it for that ship for the rest of the round.

Example, squadron attacks a ship that has not yet activated, and has QLT equipped, when it counters, it could spend a Concentrate Fire token and resolve the Concentrate Fire command.

Then when that ship activates, even if it reveals a concentrate fire dial, it cannot spend the dial, as it already resolved that command. But it could take that dial as a token to save it for the next round.


I have another question that I think came up in the reveal thread: what about Spinals? They increase the battery armament but dont add dice as modification.

Also, is the salvo attack considered part of the attack that triggered it? In that, can an accuracy be used to block the evade that would be spent to trigger TRC during Salvo?

1 hour ago, Karneck said:

A command can be resolved once per round during the appropriate timing window, so in the case of Concentrate Fire is during "Resolve Attack Effects " step, if it has not yet been resolved for that ship, you could use a token (or even Piett it) and resolve the command. You just can't resolve it for that ship for the rest of the round.

Example, squadron attacks a ship that has not yet activated, and has QLT equipped, when it counters, it could spend a Concentrate Fire token and resolve the Concentrate Fire command.

Then when that ship activates, even if it reveals a concentrate fire dial, it cannot spend the dial, as it already resolved that command. But it could take that dial as a token to save it for the next round.

That's super interesting @Karneck, I just assumed you could only resolve commands during your activation. I guess it is a special case only for CF tokens since I'm pretty sure there's no timing to use nav, squad, or repair tokens outside of activation.

1 hour ago, RapidReload said:


I have another question that I think came up in the reveal thread: what about Spinals? They increase the battery armament but dont add dice as modification.

Also, is the salvo attack considered part of the attack that triggered it? In that, can an accuracy be used to block the evade that would be spent to trigger TRC during Salvo?

The language we have right now that we don't know if its finalized or not says 'printed' rear battery dice. This means that you cannot increase Salvo attack power with Spinals. Officer Agate is the only card we know of that breaks one of the stated restrictions on Salvo by specifying that her crit effect works during Salvo so they might print some cardboard in the future to get around the Salvo restrictions.

There's also the Most Wanted and Opening Salvo (ironic) objective cards adding die. I assume its like Advanced Gunnery where Gunnery Team overrides the bonus so Salvo attacks don't get the extra die.


Here's another random thought: How does obstruction work with Salvo? I'm guessing you measure between the shooting and the shot LoS dots but I don't think FFG has talked about how that works. Romodi's ability during Salvo attacks would not remove a die but not add a die in this case.

Even more random thoughts: Agate's Salvo crit only works against ships since crits aren't resolvable against squads correct?

One more random though: DCaps is start of activation to end of round so Salvo blue die can be used at long range that turn right (Assault Potato Mk2 A)?

I lied, another interaction: You can QLT Counter after Salvo right? It is a little weird to be able to perform 2 attacks against the same target but I can't see reason why there would be an issue in timing.

Edited by antisocialmunky
3 hours ago, antisocialmunky said:

Here's another random thought: How does obstruction work with Salvo? I'm guessing you measure between the shooting and the shot LoS dots but I don't think FFG has talked about how that works. Romodi's ability during Salvo attacks would not remove a die but not add a die in this case.

I'm quite sure they said Salvo attacks use the same LOS than the "provoking" attack and it's against the attacking hull zone. That's means the attack is obstructed if the first was even when it's not actually (due to the asymmetrical system).

3 hours ago, antisocialmunky said:

Even more random thoughts: Agate's Salvo crit only works against ships since crits aren't resolvable against squads correct?


3 hours ago, antisocialmunky said:

One more random though: DCaps is start of activation to end of round so Salvo blue die can be used at long range that turn right (Assault Potato Mk2 A)?

Yes, as long as you activated to discard them. This would be interesting if a "blue" spinal comes out. As the wording is using printed battery armament. Salvo tokens are not an upgrade effect and they're not using even cannot so not sure how the "can be used" from dcaps would interact here if you added blue dice to you battery armament somehow.

3 hours ago, antisocialmunky said:

I lied, another interaction: You can QLT Counter after Salvo right? It is a little weird to be able to perform 2 attacks against the same target but I can't see reason why there would be an issue in timing.

As long as Salvo effect use the same timing (after a squadron/ship performs a non-Counter/non-Salvo against you...) you should be able to do both in any order you want. Even without the same timing you should be able to do both but in a given order.