Huge Ship Blue and Red Moves

By Bort, in X-Wing Epic Play

So with the interaction of stress and energy it seems that Blue moves are pretty useless on Huge ships. (or rather, much less useful or required than on smaller ships)

Red moves usually give stress, but instead of giving stress it removes one energy. Only if you don't have any energy do you get the stress.

So scenario 1: You have 1+ energy.

You make a red move, so instead of gaining stress you lose your energy.

Next turn dailing a blue will have no effect.

Scenario 2: You have 0 energy.

You make a red move, you gain a stress.

Next turn you recharge one energy, so instead of actually getting the energy you lose the stress.

So dailing a blue will still have no effect.

So basically a blue move only does anything useful if you have 2+ stress tokens on your ship.

Am I missing something here? Shouldn't blue moves give an energy by default?

You're not missing anything. Blue moves, on their own, don't do much. They DO interact with some abilities, most notably Optimized Power Core.

Cool cool.

Was actually looking at the 5 huge dails, and realised my C-ROC is the only one with only 2 blue options. But now it worries me less.

It does mean that people trying really hard to make turbolaser C-ROCs work have a rough road, as OPC would be super helpful but hamstrings your dial. A Corellian Corvette with Nien Nunb is rather happier with OPC. And Quantum Storm almost wishes it had less blue, as it regens energy with whites. Admittedly you could take OPC and have near-constant 2 energy regen, but we'd have to find something useful for Quantum Storm to do with that energy.

Blue moves are relevant for things like Seasoned Navigator.

But what are the points on that? I want to use seasoned navigator. But I don’t know the points for it for huge sized ships

I believe Seasoned Navigator is 7 on any size ship.

3 hours ago, 5050Saint said:

I believe Seasoned Navigator is 7 on any size ship.


Seasoned Navigator is Initiative dependant.

Initiative Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Seasoned Navigator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

But not sure what happens for Initiative 7 and 8.

There are crew abilities that work on Blue moves. Nien Numb reduces the difficulty of Banks. L3-37 also changes color of dials. Seasoned Navigator was also mentioned.

You know....I thought there were more Crew that messed with abilities.

14 minutes ago, heychadwick said:

L3-37 also changes color of dials.

Only of unshielded ships sadly, so she doesn't work on Huge ships barring something killing the ship's shield regeneration.