Wings and Wing Leaders

By Magnus Grendel, in X-Wing Epic Play

So....seeing this thread:

It might be worth doing interesting Wings and Wing Leaders by faction.

Thoughts plagiarised from @DunderStorm added in - I'll update with others as mentioned and will add people's thoughts into a master list as they get suggested

  • Universal
    • Resistance/First Order - The tech upgrade Targeting Synchroniser is a lot more tempting in a large game. Equipping it to a wing leader doubly so - since the wing leader is (comparatively) protected, they can afford to lock rather than focus or evade, and then their wing - and potentially even other nearby wings - can fire ordnance without locks.
    • Afterburners allows a wing leader - and hence their entire wing - a free boost.
    • Daredevil allows you to rotate an entire wing 90'
    • Upgrades which improve a ship's dial (e.g. R4 astromech) potentially allow an entire squad to clear stress/strain. Tech-equipped ships may like Primed Thrusters for the same reason
    • Since wing leader abilities cancel hits before calculating if an attack hits, anything dependent on not getting hit (e.g. stealth device) becomes more powerful.
    • Since wing mates add or remove stress based on the difficulty of the leader’s revealed maneuver, they don’t benefit from abilities that change the difficulty of the leader’s maneuver. On the flip side, they don’t suffer from increases in difficulty either. You can use this to your advantage with effects like Seasoned Navigator.
    • Veteran Wing Leader only allows you to cancel rolled <hit> or <crit> results - it will not let you redirect direct damage and shield loss from things like homing missiles, plasma torpedoes, feedback array, or Dalan Oberos' pilot ability.
    • Wingmen actions are highly restricted, so be careful about adding any upgrade which requires a prohibited action to use (such as R5 astromechs, and to a lesser extent turret upgrades).
  • First Order
    • The First Order has (at the moment) a relatively limited ship pool, so that makes things easier. It does, however, have First Order Elite, allowing TIE/sf to lead TIE/fo and allowing TIE/vn to lead either.
    • I suspect that the value of fanatical will be somewhat diminished for the same reason shield regeneration is; >200 points on the field means stuff attacked will generally die before its next engagement phase. That said, having a fanatical ship or two in the wing might be nice because if someone does choose to shoot at the wing leader, they can slope-shoulder damage to take down their wingman's shields.
    • TIE/fo
      • One of the cheapest sources of expendable warm bodies - they're a touch more expensive per hit point than TIE/sf but it's easier to add in a 'wingman pair' to shield a particular ace. The fact that you only need a single hit to trigger fanatical is nice, as is the fact that they're agility 3 if your opponent tries to kill the wingmen first.
      • "Null" is amazing value - 31 points, or 37 with afterburners, to allow a squad of TIE/fo to activate at Initiative 7. Epsilon Ace is a case where you're buying the wing leader to improve the wing, rather than the wing to protect the wing leader.
      • "Midnight" is obviously a great pilot, and benefits from being protected, but I suspect any ship whose ability is designed for single-duel engagements can get stuffed in epic.
      • Commander Malarus might just have a place in epic. Initiative 5 activation for a full wing is potentially worth paying for, and with her pilot ability and veteran wing leader she's basically unkillable for the first two engagements of the game - long enough, in my experience, that an epic game has already swung decisively one way or another.
      • "Quickdraw" (via First Order Elite) is probably a bad call to lead a big TIE/fo wing - making speed 1 turns red, for example - and you can get a high initiative wing leader cheaply in "Null" - but she would benefit greatly from a pair of Epsilon Squadron Cadets hanging on her flanks to soak shots for her and give you an extended lifespan. Alternatively, break out a pair of fanatical Omega Squadron Aces - Quickdraw wants to shunt damage to lose one shield per round, and the Fanatical TIE/fo's want to lose their single shield early to demonstrate their devotion to the cause. Everybody's happy.
      • Kylo Ren (via First Order Elite) - this is the cheapest way to give the Supreme Temper-Tantrum 2 free evades against any incoming attack. If you're going to be flying him through the midst of a battle, this is probably a good idea, especially with I'll show you the dark side to throw into the mix. Supernatural Reflexes is eye-wateringly expensive on an I5 pilot but is rather more interesting when he's 'towing' 5 TIE/fo behind him.
      • "Avenger" (via First Order Elite) - A good 'big wing' leader. Avenger wants cheap and disposable wingmen who'll give free actions when they die. Avenger can eat stress to give the wing boosts and rolls, and the wing can give him the tokens as it loses members.
    • TIE/sf
      • The TIE/sf is a great ship to field en masse - as evidenced by numerous threads on Fanatical/Advanced Optics Omega Squadron Experts, or Passive Sensors/Missile Zeta Squadron Survivors as 4-5 ship squads. It's also the cheapest wingman per-hit that you can attach to a wing leader flying a different ship.
      • I suspect Passive Sensors becomes less important; if you're worried about getting locks on higher initiative targets, form up on "Quickdraw" and problem solved.
      • Massed homing missiles are not a bad call - because 'ignoring' a single point of damage is tolerable in a 200 point game. In a large game, 5 homing missiles is more akin to "remove that ship. We can roll dice or not as you see fit, but you're still dying". Concussion missiles are rather tasty as well when firing on an enemy wing; wing leaders will be more hesitant to palm of damage to their wingmen if they're likely to see a sequential 'concussion hammer' flip all that damage face-up.
      • Special Forces Gunner sounds good - once several big wings mash into one another and everyone's colliding and shooting every which way, slinging shots in both directions every turn is a real possibility, and the 3rd attack die on the initial engagement might help a lot.
      • "Quickdraw" is the obvious choice for a wing leader. At 45 points for an Initiative 6 pilot, she's amazing value. There's much more of an argument than normal for giving her hotshot gunner and swarm tactics, but I suspect a 'classic' "Quickdraw", with wingmen to ensure she only loses shields one at a time, is probably still your best bet.
      • Kylo Ren (via First Order Elite) is an option as above. Noticably important is that the TIE/vn's dial is massively better.
      • "Recoil" (via First Order Elite) gives you a decent initiative at a decent price. The wing leader is best placed to aim for bullseye/range 1, and if you're using autothrusters a lot to give a 'big wing' of TIE/sf extra manoeuvrability, you've got a decent chance of getting shots off with proton rockets or marksmanship (especially against huge ships).
      • Passive sensors plus Homing Missiles is a great combination for assassinating wing leaders; if they take the 'direct damage' hit, they cannot redirect it, and five such hits in succession can be crippling. If they don't, you're getting a 4-dice attack with no initiative/lock issues and no range defence bonus for less than the price of plasma torpedoes.
    • TIE/vn
      • Unless you're made of points, using the First Order's super-fighter in squadrons is probably pushing it. That said, it is the only First Order ship capable of equipping torpedoes!
      • Seinar-Jaemus Engineers with Torpedoes supported by Kylo or "Blackout" can relatively easily get target locks to fire torpedoes. I'm unconvinced that's a cost-effective use of a wing, though.
  • Empire
    • By comparison a huge ship pool, and Agent of the Empire to boot, allowing a TIE/v1 Advanced Prototype or TIE/x1 Advanced to lead TIE/ln fighters
    • Ruthless is so-so, but at the same time, in a big game, taking 1 hit to an unimportant spod to cause 1 hit on someone that matters is a good deal, because a swarm-heavy force will always have an expendable grunt. It's also cheap as chips, and saving a point or two on each ship adds up fast in epic games.
    • This goes double with Admiral Sloane - and in a swarm-heavy epic force I suggest you should always have Sloane around somewhere. Whilst the 'officers' aren't strictly relevant to wings, Admiral Sloane and Grand Moff Tarkin are pretty much automatic picks for epic because whole-force multipliers are a huge deal.
    • TIE/ln
      • Obviously massed TIE fighters are nice. They're the cheapest extra warm bodies going for adding a pair of wingmen to an ace, too.
      • "Howlrunner" needs no introduction. As the Wing Leader she's a huge force multiplier and gets the protection she needs
      • "Night Beast" gets a free focus when performing a blue move - meaning that as wing leader, you can afford to give up your action to let the whole wing 'roll' and still have a green token.
      • Iden Versio - her ability is nice but works on herself and on friends, and once she's used it she's basically 'just a TIE fighter' - an easy choice to put in a wing, but doesn't demand to be the wing leader.
      • Del Meeko - the long range of his ability means several wings can potentially benefit. Getting defensive rerolls against the entire salvo from a point defence battery-armed capital ship, for example, could save game-winning amounts of damage.
      • Seyn Marana - needs bullseye - so wants to be either the wing leader or in the number '3' position immediately behind them. Del and Seyn are a great combination in normal games but unbelievably painful against capital ships.
      • Inquisitor (via Agent of the Empire) - with Supernatural Reflexes for just 8, the Inquisitor allows a 'big wing' of 5 TIE/ln to boost, do a speed 1 turn and then barrel roll and doesn't lose his own focus token doing it.
      • Maarek Stele (via Agent of the Empire) - form up "Howlrunner" on your left, "Mauler" on your right and "Scourge" behind you and you've got most of the moving parts of the 'Imperial 5s' in one easy-to-fly pre-packed container of critical damage-spitting pain.
      • Darth Vader (via Agent of the Empire) - Hate for force regeneration and wingmen to eat laser bolts for him means the Dark Lord of the Sith will take a lot of killing, and he doesn't need to survive that many turns to cause enough damage to justify his existence.
    • TIE/sa
      • Obviously ordnance is king here. Wings allow you to activate late, which means getting locks out for missiles and torpedoes.
      • Captain Jonus gives a huge boost in effective firepower
      • Tomax Bren offers the best initiative value you're getting for TIE/sa.
      • Deathfire is not really a useful wing leader, but his attack-on-death ability makes him a wingman you don't mind losing. Plus, it's Deathfire McDibbs. For his name alone he deserves tabletop time.
    • TIE/d
      • Countess Ryad offers the always-useful trick of being able to perform manoeuvres which don't actually exist on the ship's dial.
    • TIE/x1
      • Ved Folso offers the always-useful trick of being able to perform manoeuvres which don't actually exist on the ship's dial.
    • TIE/sk
      • Duchess' ability extends aileron control to the entire wing. For maximum shenanigans, take her with afterburners and daredevil, and pull a high-speed 180 with the entire wing!
      • Pure Sabbac has a powerful ability which is compromised when he takes damage. Veteran wing leaders are very hard to damage. You figure it out.
    • TIE Interceptor
      • Soontir Fel as a wing leader is rude. Ini6 activation, double repositioning, the wingmates get it without even stressing, and everyone has tokens at the end.
  • Rebels
    • mixed wings. Boo hiss.
    • Selfless is amazing. Wings already let you 'smear' damage to the wing leader around the wing, and Selfless doubles down on this by potentially allowing the wingmen to protect each other as well. Combine with nice cheap R2 astromechs to repair shields and it can require an unholy amount of damage to actually get a kill.
    • X-Wing
      • I'd be disturbingly tempted to try Biggs Darklighter as the wing leader. Shoot at someone in the wing? Biggs soaks damage for them. Shoot at Biggs? He can pass the damage on to whoever in the wing is unhurt. Everyone can pack an R2 astromech if needed. It's one of the worst cases of a damage-sharing 'fortress' I can think of. Granted the wing is stuck at his relatively low initiative, but that's tolerable given the toughness increase. Even if he's not the wing leader, he's an obvious choice to add to a wing.
      • Wedge Antilles needs no introduction. Not only is he awesome in and of himself, he means the wing activates at Initiative 6 for a very modest cost, and any wing he is leading has a torpedo slot on every ship. You do the maths.
      • Garven Dreis is a good mix of a decent initiative for his cost and a pilot ability which supports wingmen well. He's a great choice to put in a wing, but he doesn't instantly demand to be the wing leader.
      • Luke is nice on his own, given his tolerance to concentrated fire, but I'm not sure he benefits that much from leading a wing for precisely the same reason. If you can afford to give him supernatural reflexes, he can allow his wing to pull some impressive shenanigans, though.
      • Kullbee sperado can boost and then open S-foils; though that will limited by the need to close s-foils in advance.
      • Thane feels like a good wing member but I'm not sure he's that critical a wing leader. Face-up damage cards do feel more important on big ships.
    • B-wing
      • Jamming beam to get rid of a bunch of huge ship tokens if you want. but the main attack could be APT or HLC, both would be very powerful - and heavy laser cannons should have an easy time getting shots on capital ship targets.
      • Ten Numb as wing leader because his ability allows him to shed the stress he gains so he can reposition using barrel roll most turns.
    • Y-wing
      • Evaan should be a consideration, though as a wingmate rather than leader. That ability to add extra Agility into leader Vander or Norra, or your CR-90 I think is well worth the 4 pts to upgrade a Gray Squadron
      • "Dutch" Vander with Plasma torpedoes accompanied by two gray squadron bombers with Proton torpedoes is a serious amount of firepower, and gains action economy with Dutch providing a free lock
    • Attack Shuttle
      • A swarm of attack shuttles is a weird thing to consider but as noted the ability to put Sabine as wing leader is very tasty, with an optional free boost and cheap 3-dice attacks.
    • TIE/ln fighter
      • Again, Sabine can fly leader, which gives you manoeuvrability for cheap. The inability to field a 'big wing' limits its value, though
      • Building a wing centred on Captain Rex would be good, though. 'Caption Rex's ability to Suppressive Fire a capital ship (assuming capital ships can receive conditions?) would be extremely painful, especially if Rex has a couple of spectre wingmates to keep fire off him.
    • RZ-1 A-wing
      • Jake Farrell has good initiative and reposition -> focus -> red reposition action economy, making him a great choice to lead a 'big wing' of A-wings.
      • Arvel as wing leader. Doesn't matter if the wing leader bumps, as long as everybody else still fits in formation around him. Give him Intimidation, and BOOM - you are virtually guaranteed to have 2 additional ships firing on that target at range 1.
  • Scum And Villainy
    • Also no mixed wings. Also boo, and also hiss.
    • Fearless is great in head-on attack passes. Which are actually often still pretty suicidal. Trying to park yourself at range 1 without ending up blocked and tokenless is a bit of an art form - and one wings can help with, a lot.
    • Protectorate Fang
      • Concordia Face-off is great - anything which generates an automatic evade against each attack is nice.
      • Zealous Recruits actually have potential as a wing leader - allowing you to activate Old Teroch and Fenn Rau at initiative 1 before the swarming enemy wings block your movement.
    • Starviper
      • Dalan Oberos' ability to rotate after moving allows the rest of his wing to rotate 90' since they form up around him, but doesn't change the manouvre he executes. The overall effect is similar to daredevil but with a more flexible set of options.
      • Microthrusters on a good wingleader makes for impressive repositioning shenanigans generally.
      • Xizor's ability basically duplicates a veteran wing leader's ability, helping you 'smear' damage out across the wing without losing ships.
    • M3-A Scyk
      • Serissu is an obvious choice as she boosts the entire wing's toughness and ups your initiative.
    • Y-wing
      • Drea Renthal is a howlrunner equivalent giving the wing a big kick up in firepower, and a few Y-wing buddies can soak a lot of firepower on their boss' behalf.
  • Resistance
    • T-70 X-wing
      • Don't forget that T70s can mix and match hardpoint weapons for extreme flexibility. Free Jamming Beams to purge huge ship token stacks could be fun, with an HLC or PRocket chaser - the larger a game, the more value you'll get from removing a reinforce token or tractoring a target, because the more attacks you have to exploit a vulnerable target.
      • BB astromechs aren't so great (because you often can't roll with wingmen to your left and right) but BB-8 lets you boost instead, making him a great choice for a T-70 wing leader.
      • Kare Kun gets stress-free daredevil, giving you great manoeuvrability for low cost. Combine with BB-8 for some serious stupidity as your X-wings come about 135' in one turn.
      • Snap Wexley gets built-in afterburners that activate at speed 2+ instead of 3+
      • Jessika Pava doesn't specifically need to be in a wing, but her ability wants as many ships as possible holding station at range 1. Wings let you do that without imposing problems on your dial.
      • Ello's ability to execute white talon rolls is hard to ignore. Note that his ability may not 'copy' to his wingmen, though.
      • If you have a T-70 wing, you can effectively 'mirror' an R4 astromech's effect with Jaycris Tubbs - Poe executes a white move, Jaycriss (as his wingman) executes the same, R4 makes his version of the manouvre blue, and hence his ability triggers, and Poe can remove the stress, exactly as if his manouvre had been blue.
    • RZ-2 A-wing
      • Zari Bangel does not lose her perform action step after partially executing a manoeuvre, potentially allowing her to drag the rest of her Wing past a blocking ship. (you'll likely lose at least one wingmate out of the formation in a big wing, though)
      • Greer's ability doesn't really care whether she's a wing leader or wingmate, and she's only Initiative 4, so is probably good to ignore as wing leader.
      • Remember that wingmen cannot rotate their turrets when in a wing!
  • Seperatists
    • Whilst moving a single ship through a minefield makes it surprisingly easy to dodge them with a 'big wing', given many ships in close proximity buzz droids could prove very nasty.
    • Vulture Droid
      • Bullseye-Hungry droids - Precise Hunter and Haor Chall Prototype - will have a much easier time getting bullseyes on enemy capital ships, despite their low initiative.
  • Republic
    • Aethersprite
      • Obviously, getting to reposition an entire wing for a single force charge makes fine-tuned controls a great value buy.
    • Naboo N-1
      • Naboo Handmaidens - the consummate wingmen - will basically render the wing leader untouchable. Alternatively, make one of them the wing leader - as with other examples, making a protected wing leader the ship who protects others give you mutual benefits, and her initiative 1 can be a boon on a packed board to avoid being blocked.
Edited by Magnus Grendel

I do like the idea of combining Quickdraw with 2+ Omega Sq. Pilots w/ Fanatical. Quickdraw wants to shunt damage to lose one shield per round, and the Fanatical TIE/fo's want to lose their single shield early to demonstrate their devotion to the cause. Everybody's happy.

Lots of good thoughts in there, so thanks for the post!

Soontir Fel as a wing leader is rude. Ini6 activation, double repositioning, the wingmates get it without even stressing, and everyone has tokens at the end.

Don't forget that T70s can mix and match hardpoint weapons for extreme flexibility. Free Jamming Beams to purge huge ship token stacks could be fun, with an HLC or PRocket chaser.

Is a Transport Pod wing led by BB8 too wild to contemplate?

For Resistance, some notable abilities on RZ2s;

Zari Bangel does not lose her perform action step after partially executing a manoeuvre, potentially allowing her to drag the rest of her Wing past a blocking ship.

Greer Sonnel just for the action economy of being able to adjust his own turret arc without losing the ability to double reposition the wing if necessary.

I imagine Ric Olie with Daredevil could be decent as a leader as every N1 he leads get the evade and allows them to essentially K-turn and get the evade still.

Serissu would be decent as a wing leader as well. Double tap Yions with Drea seems strong as well.

i think a lot of the rebel y-wings are great in wings, Dutch gives great action economy, norra is high initiative and will increase the life span of the wing with her ability. Horton wants to be wing leader bc of his ability giving him free mods on dice. evaan as a wing mate, the generics make excellent wingmates due to their low cost and abiiity to equip many upgrades that can increase offensive power, turrets, torpedos, gunners, and devices.

19 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

  • Scum And Villainy
    • Also no mixed wings. Also boo, and also hiss.
    • Fearless is great in head-on attack passes. Which are actually often still pretty suicidal. Trying to park yourself at range 1 without ending up blocked and tokenless is a bit of an art form - and one wings can help with, a lot.
    • Protectorate Fang
      • Concordia Face-off is great - anything which generates an automatic evade against each attack is nice.
      • Zealous Recruits actually have potential as a wing leader - allowing you to activate Old Teroch and Fenn Rau at initiative 1 before the swarming enemy wings block your movement.

Dalan Oberos with some Outmanouevre wingmen may be amusing. Not sure if adding Adv Sen to him will be worth it or not, but the movement shenanigans would be real.

19 hours ago, ChahDresh said:

Is a Transport Pod wing led by BB8 too wild to contemplate?

Probably. Aside from the question of boost colour, it happens in the system phase so there's also a question as to whether the wing will follow you outside your own activation. Given the transport pod is pretty awful aside from finn, I suspect it's not worth the trouble of the arguments.

15 hours ago, 5050Saint said:

I imagine Ric Olie with Daredevil could be decent as a leader as every N1 he leads get the evade and allows them to essentially K-turn and get the evade still.

Anyone with daredevil is good, as noted.

A theme i see recurring is one i find interesting, usually you want to move last so you can arc dodge. but wings make that harder to the point of why try. And that having an I1 wing leader to avoid getting blocked is quite smart and im curious to see how that plays out.

Thanks for expanding on the idea and putting in all this work :)

Regarding attack shuttle, I don't think Sabine is the best wing leader due to her not being able to do a barrel roll before moving (since she would collide with her wing mates), and I would rather have Hera whit her last-minute dial change as leader.

On a different note, one modification that I think would be really nasty to put on the wing leader is stealth device. Since veteran wing leader allows you to distribute up two hits, the opponent need to score three hits before the stealth device is canceled, which makes it almost pointless to fire on the wing leader before all the wing mates are gone.

This would of course be extra nasty on ships with agility 3. Imagine a 6 ship tie swarm with a stealth device wielding howlrunner as wing leader.

5 hours ago, DunderStorm said:

On a different note, one modification that I think would be really nasty to put on the wing leader is stealth device. Since veteran wing leader allows you to distribute up two hits, the opponent need to score three hits before the stealth device is canceled, which makes it almost pointless to fire on the wing leader before all the wing mates are gone.

This would of course be extra nasty on ships with agility 3. Imagine a 6 ship tie swarm with a stealth device wielding howlrunner as wing leader.


Was fiddling around with theorycrafting a HWK wing and came across this:

Wingmate Actions
During the Activation Phase, after each wingmate moves, it resolves its
Perform Action step as normal.
During the Activation Phase and at all other times, a wingmate is limited to
the following actions: Calculate, Reinforce, Evade, Lock, and Focus

Anything involving Rotate and Reload are dead out while in the wing.

14 hours ago, DunderStorm said:

On a different note, one modification that I think would be really nasty to put on the wing leader is stealth device. Since veteran wing leader allows you to distribute up two hits, the opponent need to score three hits before the stealth device is canceled, which makes it almost pointless to fire on the wing leader before all the wing mates are gone.

This would of course be extra nasty on ships with agility 3. Imagine a 6 ship tie swarm with a stealth device wielding howlrunner as wing leader.

My daughter and I ran with this idea. She had 150 points for our team, and we put together a Soontir Fel interceptor wing where Soonts had Stealth and the Alphas had Shields. It was hilarious.

5 hours ago, Hiemfire said:

Anything involving Rotate and Reload are dead out while in the wing.

Yep. I mean, HWK wings would be a hard sell anyway because the title is unique, but this sort of thing makes their lives harder. In theory ordnance wings (like the Gunboat) might be inconvenienced by this also, but it's hard to imagine the progression of a game where a whole wing needs to reload.

5 hours ago, Hiemfire said:

Was fiddling around with theorycrafting a HWK wing and came across this:

Wingmate Actions
During the Activation Phase, after each wingmate moves, it resolves its
Perform Action step as normal.
During the Activation Phase and at all other times, a wingmate is limited to
the following actions: Calculate, Reinforce, Evade, Lock, and Focus

Anything involving Rotate and Reload are dead out while in the wing.

The wing leader can, but you're correct that the wingmen cannot.

9 minutes ago, ChahDresh said:

Yep. I mean, HWK wings would be a hard sell anyway because the title is unique, but this sort of thing makes their lives harder.

It basically limits turret ships to veteran turret gunner double tap, or TIE/sf firing for-and-aft. It's definitely a big thing to remember for RZ-2s though, since their ability to flip their guns is a big part of their capability.

It is something to be aware of, but as you can drop out of wings and jump back into them pretty easily, you just have to be prepared to bounce individual ships in and out of the wing as necessary.

Since wing mates add or remove stress based on the difficulty of the leader’s revealed maneuver, they don’t benefit from abilities that change the difficulty of the leader’s maneuver. So even though Ello can execute a white talon roll, he revealed a red one, and his wing mates gain stress. Ditto for R2 Astromech.

On the flip side, they don’t suffer from increases in difficulty either. You can use this to your advantage with Ryad or a Seasoned Navigator.

On 11/22/2019 at 4:35 PM, asterborn said:

Since wing mates add or remove stress based on the difficulty of the leader’s revealed maneuver, they don’t benefit from abilities that change the difficulty of the leader’s maneuver. So even though Ello can execute a white talon roll, he revealed a red one, and his wing mates gain stress. Ditto for R2 Astromech.

If you have a T-70 wing, you can effectively 'mirror' an R4 astromech's effect with Jaycris Tubbs - Poe executes a white move, Jaycriss (as his wingman) executes the same, R4 makes his version of the manouvre blue, and hence his ability triggers, and Poe can remove the stress, exactly as if his manouvre had been blue.

Added @ChahDresh 's homing missile observation.

Re. R4 and wingmen.


Treated as having revealed the same dial but upon execution, the revealed key word is missing, it's simply speed, colour and bearing of the wing leaders manoeuvre.

That led me to believe that a single R4 on a wing leader will affect the execution of his wingmates manoeuvres also.

I'm easy either way. I planned my Y Wing Wingmen to cope with still having stress after a 4k into blue 2 hard from the leader.

More than happy for them all to get blue 2 hards from him though....

On 11/21/2019 at 9:55 PM, DunderStorm said:

On a different note, one modification that I think would be really nasty to put on the wing leader is stealth device. Since veteran wing leader allows you to distribute up two hits, the opponent need to score three hits before the stealth device is canceled, which makes it almost pointless to fire on the wing leader before all the wing mates are gone.

This would of course be extra nasty on ships with agility 3. Imagine a 6 ship tie swarm with a stealth device wielding howlrunner as wing leader.

Actually a little dubious of the worth. Shooting a wing leader allows him to spread damage and slows the destruction down considerably. I've made a point of shooting wingmen 1st, to reliably reduce their numbers.

You almost want them to shoot your leader, rather than discourage it, since things are less likely to actually die if they do.

Likely lots of ways to take an advantage from this. R2D2 Biggs. Plo and regen wingmen.... Rebels probably have the lions share :D

Thoughts on Imperials

  • I don't think Howlrunner is a good option, except as Wing Leader. She will just get shot down fast otherwise.
  • Tie Aggressors are not good in a Wing, but good protecting a wing in a loose formation. Put two around the Tie Bomber formation and you should be good!
  • Putting someone like Nightbeast in a Wing is good as he gets a free Focus action.


  • DFS-081 might actually be worth taking in a huge list like this. With only 2 Green dice and 3 Hull, the Vulture can suffer crits pretty hard. I wouldn't recommend as Wing Leader, but put in the wing on the edges and it could work out.
  • Precise Hunter has rarely had a use in regular games, but would be great in a Wing for Epic! There is a much higher chance to have a regular ship in Bullseye, but an excellent chance against Huge ships.
  • Hoar Chull Prototype can also be used. I could see probably one right behind the Leader to ensure you have someone in bullseye.
  • Even not in a Wing, Techno Bomber with Trajectory Simulator and Proton Bombs is fun in Epic.

Kare Kun (52)
Heroic (1)
BB Astromech (4)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Primed Thrusters (8)
Plasma Torpedoes (9)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 76 Half Points: 38 Threshold: 4

Red Squadron Expert (47)
Heroic (1)
R5 Astromech (4)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 52 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 4

Red Squadron Expert (47)
Heroic (1)
R5 Astromech (4)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 52 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 4

Red Squadron Expert (47)
Heroic (1)
R5 Astromech (4)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 52 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 4

Total: 232

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Squadron&obs=

@Rakaydos R5s on wingmates are useless. The R5 action isn't on the allowed actions for wingmates list, so they'd have to separate to use the droids.

R2s on the other hand are not an action. though the Disarm token might be a problem.

If I may pile on, @Rakaydos , BB Astromech is pointless on the wing leader because Kare Kun will be unable to barrel roll with wingmates on either side.