Court Musician (how does it work exactly?)

By umpatte0, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

I'm not sure if I understand how Court Musician works. The relevant text on the card says "Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating - during each player's next action opportunity in this conflict, decrease the cost to play cards by 1."

This is how I believe the card works. Please correct me if I am mistaken:

1. I activate the ability

2. My opponent has the opportunity to perform an action, or pass. All cards are now discounted by 1 cost. Suppose he passes.

3. I have the opportunity to perform an action, or pass. All cards are now discounted by 2 cost. I play a card (not relevant what it is), and that card costs 2 less than normal.

4. My opponent has the opportunity to perform an action, or pass. All cards are now discounted by 2 cost. Suppose he passes.

5. I have the opportunity to perform an action, or pass. All cards are now discounted by 2 cost. I pass.

6. Conflict ends as normal

Is the above correct? As a side question related to this, assuming the above is correct, and I have a Daidoji Uji in play and is honored, all characters I play from my provinces would be discounted by 3 in total, correct?

"Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating - during each player's next action opportunity in this conflict, decrease the cost to play cards by 1."
As you can see from the copy from the card text above, bolded is the word during, meaning the effect applies only during the defined timeframe.
indeed, you misunderstand the card, it doesn't create a "discount lasting effect" and doesn't stack.
So you use this character's action, opponents next/following action opportunity benefits a discount of 1 (and only this opportunity, not his next action after pass, if he passes, he doesn't take advantage of the discount) then comes your next opportunity where you benefit of a discount of 1 and then it's over, no more discount for either of you.
so, with your example, if you have Uji Honored, and you play a character as if from your hand using Uji's ability during your conflict opportunity following activation of court musician, cost would be reduced by 2 for this purchase only.