Change in Tactics

By AegisAngel, in X-Wing Epic Play

I've been pouring over my huge ship rule book and there is no place where it says energy removes Jam, Tractor, or ION tokens. The only tokens it affects are stress tokens so I'm going to have to re think a lot of my tactics for crippling enemy huge energy. Ionizing a huge ship would still be devastating because that means it could only do a focus action but it takes 6 tokens to Ionize a huge ship.

i noticed this too. however jam and tractor tokens are removed at the end of the round (if not used) because they are, well, round tokens. But during the live stream all the way back in September, they said that a lot of negative tokens interact that way with energy. meaning you lose an energy and dont take the token. This same question applies to strain tokens as well. I hope to see a correction in the huge RR soon for this

4 minutes ago, player3719000 said:

i noticed this too. however jam and tractor tokens are removed at the end of the round (if not used) because they are, well, round tokens. But during the live stream all the way back in September, they said that a lot of negative tokens interact that way with energy. meaning you lose an energy and dont take the token. This same question applies to strain tokens as well. I hope to see a correction in the huge RR soon for this

There might have been a change of mind between the live stream and release.

These effects may not drain energy, but (aside from tractoring) those tokens can still be devastating. Huge ships rely so heavily on reinforce for durability that jamming it off or ionizing the ship so it can't take the token at all is terrifying.

7 hours ago, player3719000 said:

i noticed this too. however jam and tractor tokens are removed at the end of the round (if not used) because they are, well, round tokens. But during the live stream all the way back in September, they said that a lot of negative tokens interact that way with energy. meaning you lose an energy and dont take the token. This same question applies to strain tokens as well. I hope to see a correction in the huge RR soon for this

I think the devs may have just misspoken on stream. It happens.

Requiring 6 Ion tokens can be a lot, but forcing a 1 forward and no actions beyond Focus can be crucial at the right time. I do like that Ion tokens stick around until they add up. I have used my Ion Battery to good effect.

Theoretically, two ion torpedoes could do it (four hits each). But perhaps 6 damage is more useful than 6 ion tokens....

Edited by BenDay
1 hour ago, BenDay said:

Theoretically, two ion torpedoes could do it (four hits each). But perhaps 6 damage is more useful than 6 ion tokens....

Depends upon the target. That said, a huge ship that's ionized can't do the multi-action shenanigans that give them their power, and if it prevents the huge from reinforcing, the huge could be looking at much more than six damage coming in...

Looking through the damage deck and there are also lots of ways to get ion tokens from crits. Probably best not to get too fancy and just hit them with everything

Edited by BenDay

And there are crits that will spend ion tokens to drain energy reserves.

26 minutes ago, Dezlin said:

And there are crits that will spend ion tokens to drain energy reserves.

Um.. I've been on the receiving end of that one, the ion tokens aren't spent. You just flat out loose energy = to the number of ion tokens you have after you execute a maneuver... My Quantum Storm went out in a blaze of lightning induced **** over the course of 3 rounds.

well, thats my bad then for not reading my opponents crits then. I had no ion in my list, and he got ions only from his 4LOM crew. the croc died 2 turns later before firing its turbolaser (after it one-shot a vader who blanked-out on his green dice), so it didnt make a big deal