The Burglar's Turn - New Contract

By bdavis969, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

On 1/22/2020 at 2:24 AM, GrandSpleen said:

Not sure how the One Ring card interacts with the Burglar’s Turn.

The contract says you cannot include attachements in your deck. And I think the one ring cannot be part of the 14 set aside attachements. So no possibilities here.

Anyhow, I got somewhat sentimental and built a Caldara (+Arwen +Dain, so a mixture of Dwarf discard and typical Caldara) deck. After playtesting most of the attachements were gone. Only two left (Map of Eardil for late game recursion and Sword Thain to support this). Both can be easily dropped. In that case I'd have a good stating point for this contract. Now I do wonder under which aspects I chose my 14 cards. That deck is not optimized for clearing active locations, so I do see these attachments as add-ons, not as must-haves to run that deck.

I think that all the guarded attachments are somewhat an auto-include, just because they are in general powerfull and their disadvantage (revealing another encounter card) doesn't apply. So, exept Ring Of Thor and Sting I'd take them. As for now this are 6 attachements. 8 more to go.

Under which aspects you guys do chose your items/artifacts?

51 minutes ago, Flrbb said:

So, exept Ring Of Thor and Sting I'd take them

If you have Dain in your deck why no Ring of Thror?Besides being another readying effect its cost can be a bit of an upside in a Caldara deck, depending on the timing.

Anyway it depends a lot if I am playing solo, 2-handed or 4-handed and which heroes are around. There a few Items like Elven Mail, Armor or Erebor and Dunedain Cache which are really useful in big fellowships. But usually the powerful high cost items like Sword That Was Broken (if Aragorn is around), Celebrian's Stone, Herugrim (if there is a good target), Ancestral Armor, Forest Snare, Citadel Plate, Silver Lamp, Silver Circlet, Mirkwood Long-Knife, Raiment of War, Burning Brand might end up in.

Edited by Alonewolf87