Free card actions and attacks

By Alan Noir, in Rules

Just to clarify can you use multiple free card attack-like actions in a single activation? Also can you use them if you've already attacked? Ie Vader moves twice>relentless>sabre throw>force push>force choke all in one activation.

The rules seem to state that a free card action is fine even if the effects mimic an attack. Unless its speified as an "attack" on the card like sabre throw. Correct?

Also if Vader deflects does this cause supression on the original attacker?

7 minutes ago, Alan Noir said:

Just to clarify can you use multiple free card attack-like actions in a single activation? Also can you use them if you've already attacked? Ie Vader moves twice>relentless>sabre throw>force push>force choke all in one activation.

The rules seem to state that a free card action is fine even if the effects mimic an attack. Unless its speified as an "attack" on the card like sabre throw. Correct?

Yup you got it! Choke is not an attack, so all that is legal.

9 minutes ago, Alan Noir said:

Also if Vader deflects does this cause supression on the original attacker?

No because deflect is not causing an attack, nor does it say to issue suppression. It’s just a special effect that causes wounds.

2 hours ago, Alan Noir said:

Just to clarify can you use multiple free card attack-like actions in a single activation? Also can you use them if you've already attacked? Ie Vader moves twice>relentless>sabre throw>force push>force choke all in one activation.

It all looks good unless your are trying to do some type of attack with Relentless and then doing another attack action with Saber Throw. A unit can only do one attack ACTION per activation. Some units get around this by having things (usually command cards) that let them make an attack (not attack ACTION).

All good, cheers