RITR questions + supplements

By medaloffairness, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

We had our first battle today and some question have been raised where I hope your expertise.
I screened a bit the other FAQs but couldn`t find an answer to the following questions. I still need to apologize if I double up a question.

1.) Fleet buliding.

It seems there is no cap on adding squadrons to the initial 200 point fleet. So you could have squadrons worth 100 points right from the start. Is this correct?
Even if this is possible you might not want to do it because of question 2 + the fact that you can not exchange or add ships (except retiring the whole fleet)


2.) You can add an infinite number of squads on thecourse of the campaign equal to the Squadron points you get. Is this correct?

This would mean a squad spam if somebody takes Smugglers Run as their home base and goes for the 24/12 points for squad points every round.
My definition of a round (so far) is the end of 1 battle per 2 players. -> 2 battles in a 4 player campaign.

3.) The total of the tiers of a commanders abilityes connot exceed 4.

Means, a commander can have 4 tier 1 abilities, or 1 tier 4 ability, or everthing in between those boundaries. Is this correct?

During the game we realised that there is only 1 original fleet sheet and 1 overview each for the Rebels and Imperials.
We forgot to copy it :-(, which is stated to be allowed.

Is there a chance that FFG updates the supplements with those 3 sheets, like they did with the prior expansion?
Or are they available elsewhere?

Thank you

12 minutes ago, medaloffairness said:

We had our first battle today and some question have been raised where I hope your expertise.
I screened a bit the other FAQs but couldn`t find an answer to the following questions. I still need to apologize if I double up a question.

1.) Fleet buliding.

It seems there is no cap on adding squadrons to the initial 200 point fleet. So you could have squadrons worth 100 points right from the start. Is this correct?
Even if this is possible you might not want to do it because of question 2 + the fact that you can not exchange or add ships (except retiring the whole fleet)


2.) You can add an infinite number of squads on the course of the campaign equal to the Squadron points you get. Is this correct?

This would mean a squad spam if somebody takes Smugglers Run as their home base and goes for the 24/12 points for squad points every round.
My definition of a round (so far) is the end of 1 battle per 2 players. -> 2 battles in a 4 player campaign.

You are correct. You could start a fleet with a Raider I (44 points) or Hammerhead (36 points) and have the remaining points be squadrons. During the campaign you may continue to add squadrons up to a total fleet size of 250.

14 minutes ago, medaloffairness said:

3.) The total of the tiers of a commanders abilityes connot exceed 4.

Means, a commander can have 4 tier 1 abilities, or 1 tier 4 ability, or everthing in between those boundaries. Is this correct?

During the game we realised that there is only 1 original fleet sheet and 1 overview each for the Rebels and Imperials.
We forgot to copy it :-(, which is stated to be allowed.

Is there a chance that FFG updates the supplements with those 3 sheets, like they did with the prior expansion?
Or are they available elsewhere?

Thank you

You have also understood commanders correctly as well. As the highest Tier is 3, you could have a Tier 3 and a Tier 1 ability or 4 Tier 1 abilities (as you stated).

FFG does have fleet sheets for Corellian Conflict, but not Rebellion in the Rim yet. I do hope they get these online soon.

thank you @Fraggle_Rock

the 250 points cap was my missing element on the first part. Now it makes sense.

Also thanks for the clarification on the commander abilities.

Much appreciated.