Which heroes to choose for Jabba’s

By Quintus515, in Imperial Assault Campaign

I lost my last campaign pretty hard, so I would like to go for a relatively competitive setup.

I cannot choose Diala, Jyn, Loku or Gaarkhan because we have agreed to not use same heroes in two campaigns in row. Additionally I cannot choose Gideon because we have agreed to not use him or Subversive Tactics, because we find those unfun.

I was thinking about Shyla, Fenn, Ko-Tun and someone else. Hardest part is the support slot, since good supports are not available for me. Ko-Tun can be built somewhat supportive, so thats why she is in.

Ko-Tun is support. I would take any suitable ranged hero - Onar, Vinto, Drokkatta, CT-1701.

If you're looking for someone with high defense and don't mind another melee hero, Jarrod.

Ko-Tun is ultimate support (more engineer/facilitator), especially in an aggressive team.

Murne is normally a great support, but jabba's realm has a lot of higher-figure-cost opponents, so that might not go as well as usual.

If you played Jarrod with a tank build, he can free up your other heroes as it will require the Imp to concentrate fire heavily on the guy just to wound him. (similar to the Onar effect)

Can't go wrong with Vinto, CT or Drokkatta