Does Side By Side Stack?

By Vondy, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

The Jedi Knight talent tree in Rise of The Separatists (pg 26) has a talent named "Side By Side" that reads:

"While the characters and one or more engaged allies are wielding lightsabers , add (1) threat to all combat checks that target the character or those allies."

My question is: does this talent stack? What if there are three engaged Jedi wielding lightsabers with the Side By Side talent. Do we add three (3) threat to all combat checks targeting them? Or, does it remain just one (1) threat?

Edited by Vondy

As written, it would stack as the full description of the talent even calls out that for multiple allied engaged characters with talent, the effects are cumulative. So in your scenario, you'd be adding three threat to each combat check.

Considering that all three Jedi also have improved Parry... Wolf Pack.

10 hours ago, Vondy said:

Considering that all three Jedi also have improved Parry... Wolf Pack.

Just remember that those threat are countered by an advantages the bad guys might roll.

So for instance, if a minion group of four B2 super battle droids is shooting at a member of your Jedi trio, they could easily generate a few advantage on their combat check, so all the talent does in this case is prevent the droids from spending their advantages.

Same if a minion group of five street thugs come in wailing with clubs. Odds are even against a Jedi/Knight, they're going to get at least a couple advantages, so that doesn't mean the one Jedi PC of the trio that's being attacked gets a free use of Improved Parry. It just means it's more likely to happen, as the thugs are already three threat in the hole before making their attack.

It makes sense it would stack, considering how often we've seen multiple jedi turtle up and help protect each other from concentrated blaster fire, turning it back on their foes.

That tree has a lot of team-Jedi goodness in it:

Side By Side + Circle of Shelter + Guardian of the Republic.

A group where all the members have all three? That's a lot of synergy.

Pretty much the Jedi career is what I would expect for a standard Jedi. The specs even have some pretty sick talents. I'm very partial to being able to actually do things that Jedi are supposed to do (knowledge and defense, and such).

On 11/6/2019 at 10:36 AM, GroggyGolem said:

Pretty much the Jedi career is what I would expect for a standard Jedi. The specs even have some pretty sick talents. I'm very partial to being able to actually do things that Jedi are supposed to do (knowledge and defense, and such).

Yup add a out of career spec to make your jedi unique and you are set

Niman Disciple + Jedi Knight is the character I've been trying to build for years....