About Battlelore

By MazukFarnas, in BattleLore

I think game look pretty **** awesome. Like the different factions with unique warriors for each. I like the board, I like the cards, I really like it.

I read that the games was dead, that no more expansions are coming.. sadly.

But, my question is, is the game still fun/playable with the 3 x 2 factions (3 different factions with 1 core set and 1 expansion each)

I really like a game like summoner wars, and thought about this game. But I hope you guys can tell me if it's worth getting into. And if there is enough replay with the 3 factions alone.

ùyes, the game is awesome fun, even with 3 factions. I think I played this one close to 100 times, and I'd be in for more. It was one of the best, most interesting, fun games FFG produced in the last decade, and it's sorely missed by many fans.

Edited by Julia

Yeah, it's probably my favorite game of all time, or at least Top 5. The expansion are well worth it, and it plays well with three factions. FFG unfortunately decided it didn't fit their business direction, despite there being strong interest in an expansion, but the fact is that we only really wanted those expansions for completion's sake. The game is amazing by itself.

I would reccomend getting the Uthuk and Daqan expansions first before buying Waiqar though. Those expansions are really what took it from "very good" to "amazing".

Edited by Supertoe

The core alone has a ton of replayability. I very much enjoy it. In fact, I, too, would place this game in my top 5. Many days, it is my number 1 favorite tabletop game.

If you need English copies of expansions but can't find them, contact me (Budgernaut) on boardgamegeek.com. I made scans of the English cards so you can have the translations.

i buy every thing the game as to offer and its my all time favorite game.
buy it! the only thing you will regret is that you will never get to see more of it...