Deteriorating from Quickdraw Holster to Rogue Smuggler's Retun fire

By topacesteve, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

How did FFG deteriorate from the excellent (Totally Thematic) text of Quick Draw Holster card (Deplete and 1 Strain) to the ridiculous Return Fire while wounded (e.g 11/12 near death)

of Rogue Smuggler? can we have an Errata removing that text and also ADDING 1 strain in the process??

Quickdraw Holster is a reward card in the campaign, it never had anything to do with skirmish. You can't do Deplete on a skirmish upgrade, because it would remove the text of the whole card from play, and IA doesn't have double-sided cards.

Also, the timing of Quickdraw Holster is different than Return Fire.

Is there a rules question somewhere in there?

If you don't want to trigger Return Fire, then just don't shoot at Han. Shoot at other figures in their list and get points from objectives instead. Or take shots at Han from spaces that he can't see back to.

Maybe check out this video on how to use line of sight tricks to beat Han.