Favorite SW Fan film?

By LTuser, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Over the years, i used to love watching some of the fan made flix, such as "Pink five".. Though the site i used to go to, to see them has long since gone bye bye... I was always eagerly awaiting the fan film Shuttle Tyderium, but that never came..

So what are some of YOUR favorite fan made SW films?

Does The Force Awakens count ??

Robot Chicken: Star Wars


Love this limited dialogue Darth Maul flick:

Also, TIE Fighter Short Film.

Edited by Odanan

The Lost Patrol. It's a Star Wars dogfight short film where the pilots use real world terminology, tactics and air combat maneuvers during the fight.

Fitting for today

Hmm.. SEems like i might need to see if i can re-find that old site i use to go to, to get fanfilms..