New player, looking for hero recommendation

By Obligatory 123, in Imperial Assault Campaign

Our party has read several guides, posts and have narrowed down three of the four man party. Shyla, Vinto, and Fenn are set. I am looking for a durable melee character. I am torn between Diala and Verena. We are going to do Return to Hoth. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Both will do well in your group. I’d lean towards Diala because she has several abilities that can support other heroes and none of your other heroes are strong support figures.

If you want to bulldoze the Imperial player, go with Diala

that being said however if I was the Imperial player I would not allow such hero list. I keep a restricted list (deemed to be way too powerful) and I only allow max. 2/4 heroes to be chosen from: {Fenn, Diala, Gideon, Shyla, Vinto, Drokkatta, CT-1701}. You have 4/4, and that's on top of Hoth being a very Rebel-favored campaign. I hope your Imperial player understands that there's a non-zero chance that he's not going to win any mission

the deal I usually make is that I promise not to min-max as Imperial and Rebels is allowed to pick max. 2 from the above restricted list. If my Rebel player absolutely 100% insists on using such lists then that's when I will absolutely bust out a min-max build of either Subversive Tactic/Military Might/Tech Superiority/Hutt Mercenaries with Imperial Industry (attachment to give any Imperial figure the ability to stun) along with all the best Agenda cards and stockpiling up 10 secret agenda cards for the finale

I strongly recommend that you guys (the Rebel team) go with another team composition

Edited by ricope

The Rebel players in my Hoth campaign have been using Murne, Verena, Drokkata, and MHD.

Our experience was that Verena was the worst performer. Obviously Murne is not going to be shooting much, but her ability to effectively mind-control the Imperial units has made her the most valuable to the Rebels, whereas MHD and Drokkata have the option to buff the party and slow down the Imperials respectively.

I would suggest with your set up, Shyla is melee, with Fenn and Vinto as ranged, you arguably don't want a further hitter, but would benefit more from a controller/utility character. Gideon, MHD, Murne or Loku would be my suggestions for your 4th if you're going with the 3 you have quoted.