TIE Fighter Collectors Edition

By Cr0aker, in X-Wing Off-Topic

I still have my CD but the steam or gog version is easier. Who else is playing? Working back through it for the umpteenth time. If I ever got a tattoo it would be...


In grade school my buddy would draw this on his arm in ink, pull up his sleeve and ask if we were playing again after school...

Would rather fly under Thrawn any day.

Edited by Cr0aker
10 minutes ago, Cr0aker said:

I still have my CD but the steam or gog version is easier. Who else is playing? Working back through it for the umpteenth time. If I ever got a tattoo it would be...


In grade school my buddy would draw this on his arm in ink, pull up his sleeve and ask if we were playing again after school...

Would rather fly under Thrawn any day.

Until a few years ago, I had the tradition of finishing the game at least once/year.

And yes, if I ever do a tattoo, it will be like that one.