Turning the Tables Back.

By Noahjacob, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

So, for my upcoming EotE session, my players will be returning to their homestead, an orbital refueling station, only to find an absolute mess. Turns out they've unknowingly ticked off a particularly devious pirate gang. This gang has managed to use the station by pretending to be normal customers, then while their freighter refueled, a few crew members came aboard to stretch their legs and window shop. Oh, and sneak in a few people to shut down the station's security systems and take hostages.

Now, my party's face is coming back to the homestead only to find this mess. She will be challenged to a few hands of sabacc by the pirate captain. For every hand she loses, the captain will claim one station crew member as a slave to be sold off, and he already has one in a Thalassian slave collar. While the captain has several of his men watching the party's ship to make sure no one sneaks out to cause trouble, he's looking in the wrong place. Last session, the rest of my crew stowed away on a mysterious enemy's ship, having no idea it would lead them here.

My general idea for the session is to let the face use her wiles and abilities to keep people focused on the sabacc game, winning where she can and cheating where she can't, always trying to subtly buy time and keep the enemy's eyes on her and their blasters in their holsters. Meanwhile, the rest of the party can focus on what they're good at. There's a long-range comm jam to disable, a security droid to repair, small patrols to deal with (quietly), a refueling enemy freighter to sabotage if they're feeling gutsy, etc.

Sounds interesting. Are you posting to get some advice/tips on anything? Or are you just sharing the idea because you thought we would like it?