So just had a game against Tauntauns, and had a unique rules question i thought of. just wanting to check it, searching i couldn't find this asked so am asking it.
Tauntauns are allowed to move through units, im just wondering at what point they become in Melee with a given unit. In the melee rules there's this line "A unit cannot exit a melee with an enemy unit and subsequently move back into melee with that same unit during the same activation.". im just wondering if this would prevent a tauntaun from being in melee with a unit, moving, displacing the unit, then moving through some of the models with it's second move but having it's intended end point be not in base contact with the unit it started in melee with. As on the second move when it hit base to base during the move it would technically be in melee with them again which the quoted line forbids. Or does it only count as in melee if it ends a move in base contact.
Another related question that might be simpler to answer as it's easier to explain. can a tauntaun move through a unit twice, without stopping in base contact on either move, (can be achieved by moving through, using the free pivot at the end of movement, taking a second move, using the free pivot at the beginning to get basically a 180 pivot, and walking back through the unit, assuming they kept them where they were roughly after displacement). Or does the above quote prevent that. again the key question is when does the tauntaun become "in melee" with a given unit.