Played my 2nd game this year tonight, and used a small variation from the Bossk/Veers Reddit helped me with last week. I dropped Bossk after the lizard did nothing for me, in favor of focusing pretty much entirely on what Veers brought to the table.
General Veers (Commanding Presence, Electrobinoculars)
Imperial Officer (Strict Orders, Electrobinoculars)
4x Stormtroopers (DLT, Targeting Scopes)
2x Shoretroopers (Shoretrooper, T-21B, Targeting Scopes)
2x Speeder Bike
796 points, 10 activations
I played against an Imperial Officer backed up by Operatives Vader and Fett, a moderately-loaded AT-ST, and 3 stormies squads with DLT. It was a total bloodbath in my favor. Long March coupled with Darkness Descends meant Vader ate my entire squads fire and died in a single round, when I used Coordinated Fire. The second round, the AT-ST moved onto a central ridge and ate fire from a bike and 5 trooper units and also died. By that time, I had a wound on a bike, and no other losses. Fett tried his best, but when he died at the start of round 5, I had lost 3 Shoretrooper models and 3 bike models.
It was absolutely insane the aim efficiency I had, the white dice felt like black dice, and the black dice felt red. 5 aim tokens from 2 activations is silly, and Pinned Down is an awesome card with 2 units of bikes in the rear of your opponents line. Maximum Firepower resulted in a single damage to Fett late in turn 4, but it tipped him over the edge for my troopers to clean him up in round 5.
I played Coordinated Fire, Evasive Maneuvers, Pinned Down, Maximum Firepower, and Imperial Discipline, in that order. On Long March, Commanding Presence meant Veers in the center of my forces could still reach the bikes on both wings, which made them crazy effective as harassment to my opponents commander and corps. It took a bike unit, both shores, and 3 stormie units to punch through Vaders 2 surge and 2 dodge tokens, red die, and 7 health; but with the first couple of shots having an aim token, and later shots having 2 or even 3 aim tokens, it happened. All my troopers and the other set of bikes nuked the AT-ST through crit-fishing in turn 2, while the bikes that hit Vader nearly wiped a stormie unit off the board in 1 shot (only the leader survived.) Before it died, the AT-ST put 4 damage on Veers and forced him to fall back, delaying his massive shot. Boba moved onto a tower in the center and started taking shots, and dodged far more effectively than the other big units, but couldn't dent my forces fast enough. Once he went down, my opponent called it, since I still had 9 unit leaders to his 4 (including the leader from the decimated stormie squad that was trying to punch my final bike in melee,) and a strong grasp on all 3 key positions.
Edited by Eruletho