The olympics. What sport(s) would you add??

By LTuser, in X-Wing Off-Topic

OK. Say you won a lottery, or competition the Olympic bigwigs were holding, that GAVE YOU The power to add in 1 to 2 sports into either the regular or winter olympics. IF YOU just added one, that would get added in, IF YOu went for 2, ONE Current sport would go bye bye..

What would they be>>

For me, i'd LOVE to see the heptathlon/decathlon replaced with Spartan races

and i'd love to add in Ninja warrior!!!

Poledancing, unironically.


Space Disc! Space Swords! Space Luge! Oh wait, those were totally cancelled.

Alternative to that, maybe something to do with those neato wingsuits. That might be a little too dangerous, though.

Beat Saber sight-reading.

Ultimate Frisbee

13 hours ago, LTuser said:

Spartan races

They do have to keep it PG...

11 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Poledancing, unironically.

Exercise pole seems to be getting pretty popular as a pastime so I can see this happening eventually. Would fit in well alongside gymnastics, trampoline and synchronised swimming.

Tokyo 2020 is adding in Baseball and Softball even though a lot of countries don't really play it. Perhaps they could add Cricket to as it's similar in some ways and is generally played by countries where baseball is less popular. Would have to be the 20/20 version probably, Test Cricket would take too long.

Apparently Chess Boxing and Shin Kicking are real sports, maybe one day they will get Olympic spots.

For the winter Olympics, there is bobsleigh and skeleton, but for some reason not ordinary sledging/sledding/toboggan where they go down a snow slope rather than an ice track. Seems like an odd omission.

I would just change fencing out for a more historically accurate version.

I would add broadsword fighting and maybe like horseback archery? Or, unironically, muggle quidditch.

I would remove one of the races. Or the handgun shooting. It always felt a little out of place anyway.

Tonsil Hockey

Fierljeppen! I can't even pronounce it, but there's a Dutch sport which is basically pole vault mixed with long-jump and climbing, and it is wonderful. Watching it in Holland was great, but I'd love to see what Olympians could make of it.

X-Wing TMG