So Today starts a long experiment for me and Admiral Sloane. This will be a running tally of list and results as I play through my local league. I have been thinking and putting together so many list and variations that I really want to log them and try it out.
First list pretty basic:
-class T-4a Shuttle - Omicron Group Pilot - 60
Omicron Group Pilot - (43)
•Admiral Sloane (9)
Shield Upgrade (4)
TIE/ln Fighter - Academy Pilot - 23
Academy Pilot - (23)
TIE/ln Fighter - Academy Pilot - 23
Academy Pilot - (23)
TIE/ln Fighter - Academy Pilot - 23
Academy Pilot - (23)
TIE/ln Fighter - Academy Pilot - 23
Academy Pilot - (23)
TIE/ln Fighter - Academy Pilot - 23
Academy Pilot - (23)
TIE/ln Fighter - Academy Pilot - 23
Academy Pilot - (23)
Total: 198/200
View in the X-Wing Squad Builder
So first match of this new league season was against a brand new player. Like only played maybe a dozen games between 1.0 and 2.0 combined new. What a list for this person to have to run into for their first really competitive game of X-Wing. He brought Dutch, Gavin, and Kyle Katarn. Won’t get into a lot of details on this battle, a new player made new player mistakes and the swarm lost only one ship while swallowing his list. Interesting to test the stress reroll mechanisms and about it honestly.
So picked up another game against another list that was used in league today. This was a Gavin Darklighter with R4 and Crackshot. 2x Grey Squadron Pilots with R4’s, dorsal turrets and VTG’s and a Gold Squadron loaded same as the grey’s. First 3 rounds was spent working up the side of the map we ended up taking and finally turning around and into a combat area in the middle of the Asteroids and debris fields. Did a really good job with keeping Sloan’s outside of 3 of my opponent but able to keep the swarm in her bubble. First round of shooting my opponent did 2 damage to 1 TIE with 6 attacks between primary and gunners. Stripped the shields off of one Grey y-wing and brought it to half from range 2-3 with my 5 shots at it. Sadly his defense die was just working for him keeping that Y wing around longer than it should have honestly.
Next Round the Swarm dove in hard got blocks and jammed up the middle crating a mess where almost his entire fleet failed to move and was left modless. Again lost of shots from unmodded guns by the rebels resulted in 1 blinded pilot that also took a second damage and nothing more. The damaged Y wing was finished off and heavy damage to the gold Y-Wing. (Shields and 3 Hull) and 2 shields off Gavin. With no ships gone and okay trading shots I stayed in the furball rather than try to unwind out of it mostly. One ship did K turn into position behind Gavin and the Ywing. Lost 3 ties when My opponent realized how bonkers Sloane is in that situation. The Gold Squadron went down in flames. Gavin was taken to 2 Hull and the other remaining grey Squadron was slapped for 5 damage total. My opponent conceded about the same point we would have gone to time anyways. Noted Gavin was likely going nowhere with all his stress. And the Y wing would likely not hold up against 3 TIEs and an undamaged Sloane Shuttle.
Overall consistent and solid outing. Sloane 2 Rebels 0. Thoughts here. The swarm at 6 is like a typical swarm maybe better with a long range Howlrunner in Sloane. Opponents weren’t so willing to try to use linked actions and giving free rerolls away. ST-321 was basically a non factor given Sloane’s Shuttle could also use her rerolls. So likely swap that out for something else. Now curious what some other ships that have some punch to hem can do thoug they may have smaller numbers overall to really Jam things up with.
Edited by Ronu