I just want to check something with regards to infiltrate. You have to position beyond range 3.
Beyond: A unit is beyond a range if no portion of the miniature’s base is between the first segment of the range ruler and the end of the segment that corresponds to the specified range.
At: A unit is at a range if the portion of a miniature’s base that is closest to the object from which range is being measured is inside the segment that corresponds to that range.
If the base of the mini being measured to touches the raised line between two range-ruler segments without crossing it, the mini is at the lower range segment that the line separates.
So if I position a unit leader touching the raised line between the two range ruler segments without crossing it is this technically beyond range 3 , but still at range 3 the base of the mini is beyond the end segment , but touches the line.
I've always played it that you are at range 4 unless you move, but is it possible I'm wrong here and you can place a unit beyond range 3 but still be at range 3 for attack purposes.
I'm not looking for an answer of how someone plays it themselves with the games with my friends we already have our own ruling Im looking for an official answer. In reading it seems to me that you can position touching the line and still be beyond range 3, or does the point you become at range 3 stop you from being beyond (and give versa) which is how I play it.
Edited by syrath