I got what the kids had. I’ve been trying to check in between fever dreams but i’m barely cognizant. I’ll try and figure out my vote in the morning
Reservoir Seppies [Mafia]
Less than 12 hours.
3 hours left.
##vote Constantine Valdor
lynch all liars wins my internal debate
I'll go with that
##vote Constantine Valdor
That should be hammer
Well one of these assassins thought he was so slick he could slide uphill, and could be a little flexible with the truth. But the others are a little suspicious of lies and the lying liers who tell them. Caldias shoots CV, and now he lies six feet under.
@Constantine Valdor was indeed a Town Tracker.
Night begins; you have 24 hours.
Mr. White, AKA @The Jabbawookie , wakes up to find himself in stun cuffs. He sees the stiff body of @Caldias on the floor, and knows the score right away. Mr. Orange, AKA @Madaghmire , is going to give him a free bus ride to the Coruscant Guard.
Caldias was a Town Doctor.
The Jabbawookie was a Vanilla Town.
Madaghmire was a Mafia Bus Driver.
Good game everyone, thanks for playing!
Observers : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iSDKSPsdRMbRZOiD1tJzypu0tA5FQZEOjlzQCNpYpGA/edit?usp=drivesdk 
Night chat:
Valdor, I owe you an apology for my tunnel vision. I don’t think considering Mads more would have changed my vote, but it was still a sloppy approach and for that I’m sorry.
Mad Lad wins again xD
Congrats Mad and Pod! And thanks Bertie for the game!
I felt like this game went pretty smoothly. No rules were broken. People used their roles well. Exciting finale.
I regret not making @PodRacer bulletproof (although it may not have made a difference in this game); four town PRs vs. just one Mafia Bus Driver was a little unfair. That being said, Bus Driver is a REALLY powerful role for scum; there's a little bit of Godfather, little bit of Roleblocker in there (although it isn't as certain as either of those roles). I also wish I gave a time check on D3. I was just really busy at the time and was doing just the minimum to keep the game going.
Thanks to you all for playing! To be honest, I had almost given up on this one after only five people signed up at first.
@Caldias why the protect on jabba the last night? I thought I was being overly cautious until I read observers
Caldias could only self-protect once.
GG all.
CV you're gonna have to walk me through the thought process used when unvoting day one!
I'm going to run a Christmas upick again this year sign-ups will commence in a week or so, hope you all sign up!
sorry all, I hate that I got taken again.
Yeah, I self-protected the first night that I was sort of outed as doc.\
GG Mads and Pod!
Edited by CaldiasOn 11/21/2019 at 10:19 PM, PodRacer said:Im going to run a Christmas upick again this year sign-ups will commence in a week or so, hope you all sign up!
Looking forward to it!