Fan-made resources for a Kathol Sector Campaign

By angelman2, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Hi all,

First an intro since I haven’t posted here before. I’m an Imperial Assault player in the process of getting into FFG SW RPG. I used to think the RPG rules were stupid and lame, but after reading up on it a second time and checking out various YouTube videos, I have now come to the conclusion that it was I who were stupid and lame; FFG SW RPG is pretty solid

I’ve had plans for this SW campaign set in the Kathol Sector for years but hadn’t found a system to run it in yet. I tried to go back to a modified version of the WEG d6 rules, but that was a nightmare. I tried d20, but didn’t like it. I tried to make a Barbarians of Lemuria SW hack, but it didn’t play as I had wanted it too. So, here I am settling on FFG 😁 I did run the DarkStryder campaign back in the late 90s but now, 20 years “wiser” I’d like to do something with that material again, and this time I want to do a prequel campaign to make full use of all the background material and sector flavor.

The premise of my campaign – Underneath Moff Sarne’s Heel

The story begins shortly after ANH when a budding Rebel group is working to establish a foothold in the Kathol Sector. My players will start out as Rebellion sympathizers trying to work their way into the good grace of this Rebel group, only for Moff Sarne to wipe out the established cells pretty early on in the campaign, leaving our proto-Rebels to pick up the reins. So, this will mostly revolve around Rebel terrorist activities against Moff Sarne (the principle Nemesis), some conflicts with the Mining Guild, gaining friends and foes among the sector's underworld & intelligentsia, freeing Rebel captives, etc. etc. etc., all of it building towards the defeat of the Galactic Empire in RotJ (after which Sarne will gain even more control and power for a short time) and eventually the Battle of Kal’Shebbol which is the starting point of the DarkStryder Campaign. The DarkStryder thing will exist as background noise only, as rumors to be referenced and the occasional weird dreams & guiding impulses that my Force Sensitive character(s) will experience.

It is possible I will follow Underneath Moff Sarne’s Heel with a second campaign based around a heavily modified and reconstructed (i.e. “updated”) version of the old WEG DarkStryder Campaign and material, but for now my focus is on its prequel story and the Kathol Sector in general. I will use several adapted FFG & WEG scenarios for the Underneath Moff Sarne’s Heel campaign, tied together with several stories and tangents of my own creation.

Now, what I am looking for are resources that you guys & galls might have created for the Kathol Sector or related topics. I know there are several Kathol/DarkStryder threads here on the FFG forums, but they tend to be 5 years old and their links are all broken. I am not primarily looking for rules & character conversions (although I’ll conveniently grab those too if they exist), but rather I need cool new maps, artwork/visual aids, planet/location write-ups or expansions, musings on governments & militaries & politics & whatnot in the sector, etc., and probably loads of stuff all y’all have come up with that I never even knew I needed! Anything you would like to share and/or discuss on this forum 😊

(For the record, I own all the published material that I intend to use, both WEG & FFG stuff; what I’m looking for is fan material and campaign stuff).

Thanks in advance for any input and help, and let’s bring Kathol to life! 😎

Edited by angelman2

I've been there. Shoot.

5 hours ago, Ghostofman said:

I've been there. Shoot.

Cool! Do you've got any resources or tips or art, or even links to play blogs or whatever? :)

4 minutes ago, angelman2 said:

Cool! Do you've got any resources or tips or art, or even links to play blogs or whatever? :)

Resources: Not really? I ran Darkstryder most of the way through, so I referenced the WEG mats a lot. Conversion to FFG wasn't that rough, but I'm pretty familiar with both systems so I was comfortable doing it. 80% of WEG stuff I can convert over pretty reliably without any real thought.

Art: Got a massive pile of stuff on my main system. I run my games in Roll20, so I tried to get a picture for every encounter, except for ones that came with a map of course. 90% of the time a google search would generate something passible, though occasionally I had to photoshop something together. Only really tricky one was that one non-main planet with all the underground facilities, ended up photoshopping mundane images into cave photos to pull that off.

Play blogs: Not really... I wish I had the time to do that. But I remember most things worth remembering.

Really, ask me stuff. I'm one of those people that works best when he has something to jump off from.

There's nothing in particular I need to ask about; as I said, I ran the campaign back in the day. Rather, I'm looking for resources to grab and any random thoughts or files or whatever that might be useful. Specifically, I would really like to see a cooler starmap of the Kathol Sector than I currently have, preferably one listing some stats/info for the various systems to make it easier for my players to learn & internalize them all... but it is, of course, very unlikely that anyone just happens to sit on something that specific. But yeah, new maps are good; starmaps, system overviews, planetary maps, etc.

As for a question/advise, how did you pull off Tanquilla Beach starport? For some reason, I am blank on what to do with the place both visually and drama-wise.

I'm working this weekend. PM me next week and I can dig up the raw file and we can talk about adding details.

Kathol map

Cool, thank you :D I have began updating a small-file map that I found online but the map turned too crowded too fast... Thanks!

Anyone else have any resources, or tips on how they tweaked things in the Kathol Sector, or even just fun anecdotes? :)

I think the Kathol Sector as outlined in the DarkStryder campaing, has a LOT of potential as a setting! The place is rife with conflict and government oppression and criminal activity and mystery and whathaveyou :D