So me and my friends play Imperial Assault and X-wing(1.0, I have a few 2.0 things, but I haven't gotten them to convert) and we were wondering if we could combine them, specifically, one of them suggested an Imperial Stardestroyer map where you have your squadron come out of hyperspace, land a transport and send a strike team to do some objective, and when(if) you attack a spot on the Stardestroyer (e.g a turbo laser, shield generator, sensor array etc.) it creates an explosion on the interior of the Stardestroyer, damaging people around the firing controls, or people on the bridge(please note we only have two copies of the core set for IA.... plus a few ally/villain packs) etc. We'd have one interior map area and one outside of the Stardestroyer for the Starfighters to fly around on. These are the army/squadron building rules I've thought up...along with a bunch of other crap... and I got a little inspiration from my friend group.
Unique figures/pilots
You cannot have a unique figure both flying and on the ground at the same time, however, you can have a pilot land and get out of his/her ship to join the skirmish battle. I will also make a pilot unit so you can land your other ships(no cost but can't be deployed unless you deactivate a ship and link them to it). Any unique pilots that want there own special powers will either have to come up with their own card(I'm the only one in my group that has a custom IA card creator, Thanks Bitterman!) and I would have to type up and print said cards.
You get your transport free of point cost(It can be small or large but not huge, if you want your transport to be a huge ship you have to spend some of your own points) and are given 20-30 points to upgrade it with. If you want more than one transport, the other transport comes out of your squadron points. if you want to upgrade it more beyond the points given free to it, you must take the points out of your squadron points. whichever team is on the Stardestroyer does not get a transport or transport points. All your IA figures will fit inside of your transport, when deploying troops around the transport, they can be deployed within three spaces
Multiple Players
Every player gets there own deployment zone(One Imp[if there aren't any imperial players, than give it to somebody, it doesn't matter who] player gets the Stardestroyer, everyone else gets a place to bring in their squadrons. The Impstar player's squadron will start in a the hangar's-either that or within range one of the Stardestroyer. if there are enough people, you can make three teams(or if your players want three teams say if you have 5 players, make the Impstar player be by him/herself and give them a double the normal points... I will not allow one of our players who is obsessed with Tie defenders to be this player... He also has Thrawn.... anyway... than just team up the others in teams of two, they each have their own squadron and stuff.)
Squadron/Army Points
I'm thinking 150 points for The squadron, and 60 points for the skirmish army, since it'll be a large map(It's a freaking stardestroyer!) and 20 command cards/command card points. You'll get a free transport and 40 points to upgrade with.
Damaging Imperial assault units when in a hangar and vice versa
You roll however man red dice you have normally and get +5 accuracy to the attack(can't apply bonuses or modifiers of any sort to this attack besides the +5 accuracy), and when infantry attack, the ships get three blacks of defense dice.
Impstar Hardpoints
There will be three types of hardpoints, there will be Turbolasers, Shield generators, and Sensor arrays(Just using the Heroes of the Atari Cluster Pieces and Rules. In order to fire Turbolaser, you need someone at a turbolaser control. if the reactor(inside the ship, can be destroyed only by IA units) all hardpoints shut down and are no longer usable, I'll make some health rules and such.
Objectives will be taking the destroying the stardestroyer(Haven't designed the map yet just posting this to 1. Get your guy's help to smooth it out, and 2. To right down my thoughts to get them straightened out, so these are subject to change) and capturing the stardestroyer.
There will be two maps, their will be the interior of the stardestroyer and the outside of the stardestroyers, The outside for the starfighters and the inside for the boarding parties. I will make an elevator rule for getting to the bridge area. Does anyone know of a IA map creator, or a way to print off map tiles?
Armies restrictions
In my group we have a few house rules, One of those being that there cannot be more than one of a unique figure in a single skirmish game(Besides IG-88, there can be four of him as long as they are not in the same army). I am also going to ask them if we can nerf the deployment card cost of super weak units to make them viable to play. eStormtroopers Are NOT worth 9 points my dude, and Stormtroopers aren't worth 6. You can't have vehicles in this map(it's a STARDESTROYER PEOPLE).
I don't know if I got everything but I think I did. Thank you for listening to my ramblings fellow Ffg goers, your possibly insane friend,