Marvel Chapions fulfillment & release date

By cwq23us, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Word is, Marvel Champions is on the boat!
Anybody know which boat?

Who knows? All they've ever said so far is "October" for a release date. We know from past experience that FFG likes to 4-6 weeks of previews of a game up to or slightly overlapping its release. And that 'On the Boat' + 'Shipping now' can take 4-8 weeks.

So if previews don't start in earnest this week or next, that could be an indication that things have slipped a bit and release will be late Oct/early Nov.

Previews came Fri and today. I'm thinking it will be early Nov based on the timeline of FFG Live for Oct states


On October 29th, celebrate the impending release of Marvel Champions: The Card Game with a celebration giveaway! We’ll be taking on the some of the toughest villains in the Marvel Universe while giving away copies of the upcoming Marvel Champions: The Card Game Core Set !


I'm excited to play this game so I hope it doesn't take too long.